the beginning

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Raegan's POV
my name is raegan beast and I am married to a beautiful boy named Justin he are both 23 and this is the story of how I met the love of my life. Well this is how I met my dork.

So let's go back

Way back

To Junior year

So I wasn't new to the school neither was Justin I just didn't pay attention to him at first. The only class I had him in was gym and lunch I never payed attention to him until he was on my beast friends snapchat story. I screenshoted the picture of him it was the cutest thing I ever seen I saw that photo I started paying more attention to Justin I realized he's super cute all the time I developed a crush on him but that was about a month ago I wanted to be his friend but I don't know if he's gay or is even looking for a relationship.

Patrick= raegans dad

Me: bye I'm going to the park

Patrick: aren't you a little old for the park

Me: no

Patrick: ok but if you decide to leave the park tell me where your going

Me: ok

I drive to the park i go to the park to do homework at the picnic table or just to think there's rarely any people are here.

I get to the park and there is a boy pushing a girl on the swing I go to the picnic table and just sit I look over at the people on the swing and realize that it's JUSTIN omg I didn't know he lived over here awww he looks so cute he so sweet for pushing that little girl on the swing that must be his little sister or something. I want to say something but I'm scared to I see them about to leave I quickly call out his name he turns around and looks at me

Justin: hey I didn't know you lived over here he said walking to me the little girl took her chance and went back on the swings

Me: I don't I live on Harrison

Justin: oh the rich people neighborhood

Me: hey I don't live in a rich people neighborhood the houses are just nice I laugh a little

Justin: I'm not saying it's a bad thing. So what are you doing here if you live over there

Me: I just like this park

Justin: it was nice seeing you but I gotta get her home

Me: oh ok nice seeing you

Justin: you too

Me: Justin. I yell before he could turn all the way around

Me: can I have your number mabye we could do something

Justin: oh yeah sure it uh (204) ###-####

Me: cool I just texted you so you have my number

Justin: yep raegan got it I'll see you tomorrow

Me: yeah

And he went home with the little girl

Omg I got my crushes number he probably doesn't like boys tho

First chapter and I know I made raegan rich in my last story but it's because raegans dad has a lot of money in real life.....PEACE!!!!

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