a break

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Justin's POV
I woke on the plane we're back home getting ready to land. First class got to get of first. We got off the plane and I met my mom and sister at the gate.

Amanda: omg Justin your so tan. My mom said hugging me

Me: we were in the sun a lot


My mom and I went home and she wanted to hear about my trip.

Amanda: how was the food? What is pretty? Did you take pictures?

Me: mom. I said stopping her

Amanda: sorry. I handed her my camera and we looked at the pictures together.

Amanda: that a good one. She said about a picture of the sun set.


I woke up to my phone buzzing it was raegan.

Me: hello. I said half asleep

Raegan: hey baby

Me: hi

Raegan: sorry did I wake you

Me: kinda it's fine

Raegan: ok. Kale is back in town and he invited us over wanna go

Me: sure what time

Raegan: text me when you're ready and I'll pick you up

Me: ok

Raegan: bye I love you

Me: I love you too

I hung up the phone and looked at the time it's almost 2. I got out of bed and went to shower.

I got out the shower and put on a pair of black jeans and a red and black flannel. I went down stairs and yelled to my mom I was leaving to be with raegan.

Amanda: you're not going with raegan she said stopping me

Me: why not

Amanda: remember what we said before you left for Bora Bora. I take weekends off and you take a break from raegan

Me: you meant and actual break like I can't see him that's not fair mom

Amanda: Justin look at you, you have hickeys all over your neck you need space

Me: no I don't mom I love him

Amanda: you see that's what I mean you've been dating him for like 3 weeks you don't love him

Me: I do love him mom and he loves me. My voice cracked and my eyes started to water

Amanda: Justin this is what's best for you

Me: you don't know what's best for me. I walk out the door to my car.

Amanda: Justin Justin get back inside right now. I hear my mom yell I ignore her and keep walking to my car.

I drive to kales house with tears in my eyes I don't want a break from raegan I love him he makes me so happy my mom doesn't know what she talking about.

I pull over and call raegan I forgot he was gonna pick me up from my house.

Raegan: hey baby you ready

Me: yeah but I'm gonna meet you at kales. I say with tears in my eyes

Raegan: are you ok. I didn't want to lie to him and tell him that I am ok when I'm not

Me: I'll meet you at kales bye. And I hung up. I couldn't hold my tears any more I started letting them slide down my face. I dried my face and started driving again.

I get out of my car and knock on kales door. Kale opens it and welcomes me inside I notice that there are some other people here but I don't see raegan.

Me: where's raegan I ask kale.

Kale: he's in the bathroom he'll be out in a minute. I don't have a minute I need to talk to him now I walk to the bathroom and wait for him to come out.
The door opens and and raegan comes out.

Raegan: hey baby. He said hugging me

Me: hi

Raegan: what's wrong you sounded upset on the phone

Me: yeah can we talk

Raegan: of course. We walk to kales room and sit on the bed

Raegan: what do you wanna talk about. Ugh this is hard to say

Me: um m-my m-mom thinks we s-should. I stop talking my eyes sting with tears and my throat starts to burn

Raegan: what, what does your mom think.

Me: she wants us to take a break. I say swallowing hard

Raegan: I don't understand

Me: she wants us to give each other space she says we're moving to fast. I see his eyes gloss over and. A few tears fall out of my eyes

Raegan: why we're doing so good right now. He said now crying

Me: I know I think we're doing really good too but she said we haven't been dating long enough for me to love you or you to love me

Raegan: but I do love you very much

Me: I know I love you too

Raegan: I don't wanna take a break I wanna be with you at all times

Me: so do I

Raegan: but let's just do it

Me: do what

Raegan: take this break and make her happy and the sooner we agree to what she wants the sooner the break will be over.

He is right but I don't wanna take a break.

Me: ok I guess. I say straddling his lap he puts his hands in the butt and I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him. The kiss is long and sweet he sticks his tongue in my mouth without warning our tongues dance in each other's mouth.

He pulls his head away and sticks his tongue I do the same and he swirl our tonges around each others he puts my tongue in his mouth and sucks on it he connect our lips again and maked out for a few more seconds. We give each other a few more peacks and then pull away.

Me: I should go. I said getting of his lap

Me: I wasn't supposed to leave the house

Raegan: ok I'll walk you out. We walk out of kales room down stairs and we walks me to my car

I turn around to face him and give him a few more kisses.

Me: I love you I said with our fourheads still touching

Raegan: I love you too. I peack his lips a few more times and then get into my car.


I drive home and walk inside.

Amanda: I told you not to leave

Me: i went to tell raegan we need to take a break

Amanda: this break will be good for you too. I rolled my eyes

Me: how long is this break

Amanda: I don't know we'll see. I signed And went upstairs.


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