i know

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Justin's POV
I wake up and kinda want to go to school I don't really like school but I also don't mind it.

I get to school and put my books away in my locker.

Raegan: hey Justin. I hear someone saw I turn around and see raegan and his friends. Now I'm a crowd hopper but I've never hung with the popular crowd.

Me: hi. I said shyly

Boy1: dang he is shy

Boy2: you sure you wanna invite him

Raegan: yeah he's shy but he'll open up...you you know kale right

Me: yeah

Raegan: he's having a pool party tonight you wanna come.

Me: I don't know I might have to watch my little sister Tonight. I lie

Raegan: ok find out if you do and if you don't I'll pick you up. He said bitting his lip not in a sexual way but like a casual way

Me: ok

Raegan: cool see ya

Me: bye. And we went our separate ways

*Time skip*

Raegan: so do have to watch your sister

Me: uh no

Raegan: great so you come then

Me: I don't know I don't really like being around Large crowds

Raegan: there won't be to many people just like 6 people and their girlfriends..kale didn't want a lot of people over only his real friends.

Me: I don't know. I say unsure

Raegan: come on please..you can just stay with me the whole time

Me: ok I guess so

Raegan: great so I'll pick you up from your house just text me when your ready and your address

Me: ok by raegan

*Time skip*

Uh I really don't wanna go to a pool party I'm gonna be the only one swimming in a shirt casue in trans I would normally swim in just a binder and trunks but I guess I'll be in a shirt binder and trunks. Cause I'm not out yet.

I put on my swimming binder and but some blue and gray trunks and put on a white shirt I pack a bag of dry clothes a towel and my other binder.

Me: *random address* I'm ready

Raegan 😜: ok be there soon

I wait down stairs with my backpack.

Amanda=Justin's mom

Amanda: hey Justin how was school. My mom said closing the front door

Me: good

Amanda:going somewhere. She said walking to the kitchen

Me: yeah a friend invited me over...oh he's here

Amanda: ok have fun love you

Me: love you too

I walk to Raegans car and got in

Raegan: hey Justin

Me: hi

Raegan: you got everything

Me: uh yeah

Raegan: cool

We arrive at Kale's house and we just go straight to the back yard.

Kale: hey Justin

Me: hi kale

Raegan: danm you don't even say hi to your Best friend

Kale: I already knew you were coming I didn't think he would come

Raegan: come on Justin meet everyone. You already know kale that's Jordon and his girlfriend ( and then some other people I can't think of names right now)

Kale: alright meet and greet is over let's get in the pool

They all jumped in I looked over and saw raegan take his shirt off  danm he's hot I was  staring at his body

Raegan: come on Justin. And that took me out of my trance

Raegan jumped in and I sat at the edge of the pool with my feet in the water watching them.

"Get in Justin" one of the boys said

Me: no I'm good right here

Raegan: come on Justin. Raegan said coming to me. I nodded and I slowly got in

Jordan: you gonna keep your shirt on

I looked at my shirt then at them and nodded

Jordan: ok

I tried to have fun with them and join in but I like watching better I went to the corner of the pool and watched them and listing to the music they had blasting

Raegan: you're not enjoying this are you.

Me: no I'm fine

Raegan: come on let's get out of here.

I followed raegan out of the pool and we went inside.

Raegan: change clothes

Me: ok. I went to the bathroom and changed and went back to the living room with raegan

Raegan: come on

Me: where are we going

Raegan: I don't know he said and we got into his car.

He drove to a dairy Queen we order and ate outside.

Raegan: so tell me about yourself

Me: what do you wanna know

Raegan: everything

Me: there's not much to know...I'm 17 I have a sister I live with my mom and yeah

Raegan: no other siblings

Me: I have an older brother and a twin but I don't really like to talk about my twin ( Danny doesn't want to be in fan-fic so I'm not putting him in)

Raegan: ok enough about family what about you

Me: want do you mean

Raegan: I know something and I think you know I know.  Hes kinda scaring me. He walks around the table so he's sitting next to me. He fiddles with my shirt.

Raegan: your trans aren't you. My face turnds red

Me: no. I lie. He lifts my shirt up a little

Raegan: you're wearing a binder. I dont say anything he makes a shooked expression and goes back to his side of the table

Me: you mad

Raegan: no..I am too. Omfg

Me: are you really? Did you have surgery? Are you on T? Are you out?

Raegan: just calm down...and all the questions you asked yes..so you can come out too

Me: I think I like it how it is with people not knowing

Raegan: you'll feel better if you come out

Me: I feel fine..and how did you know Im trans

Raegan: your shirt it's white you could see threw it when it got wet

Me: did everyone else at Kale's see

Raegan: I don't think so and if they did they don't care I notices cause I was watching you really hard

Me: why

Raegan: you're really cute. I smile and blush a little

Raegan: you done. He said pointing to my now empty ice cream cup

Me: yeah thank you. He walked to the garbage and then walked back

Raegan: come on I'll take you home I can tell you miss it there

Dang it's like he can read my mind

Enjoy.... PEACE!!!!

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