show her

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Justin's POV
I woke up it wanting to wake up it's Sunday we got back from Bora Bora Bora Friday. And my mom told me I had to take a break from raegan yesterday.

I just wanna see my baby. I know I saw him yesterday but I know I can't see him outside of school I want him more than ever.

"Justin". I hear my mom said opening the door

Amanda: come on let's do something. My said excited. She's the last person I wanna talk to but if I cooperate like raegan said the break will be over.

Me: like what. I say trying not to sound like a bitch

Amanda: let's go to the mall. I sigh and lay back down

Amanda: I'll let you get anything you want. I sit back up and look at her. I nod and she tells me to get dressed.

I put on t-shirt and sweatpants and go down stairs. We get into the car and drive to the mall with my sister in the backseat. My phone buzzez and it's a text from raegan.

Raegan♥️: hey baby I miss you. I smile at my phone and text him back

Amanda: you're still texting him. My mom says

Me: of course I am he's still my boyfriend. I say with an attitude

Amanda: I just thought you would stop

Me: why are you trying to break us up

Amanda: I'm not trying to break you guys up I'm trying to keep my baby my baby

Me: in not a baby mom im 17

Amanda: you're growing to fast you're graduating next year you're on T you have a boyfriend you're walking around with hickeys all over your neck. I wouldn't be surprised if you're having sex with him.

I look back down at my lap with my eyes widdend.

Amanda: oh my god Justin Blake. She says hitting my arm

Me: I'm on T nothing can happen

Amanda: whatever that's your boyfriend do what you want just don't make the same mistake as you did with Bryce

Me: Bryce oh come on mom raegan is nothing like Bryce

Amanda: ok just be careful I don't want you getting hurt again

Me: ok mom


We got home from the mall and my mom let me let me get 3 outfits and 3 pairs of shoes. I honestly think she let me get this stuff so I wouldn't be mad at her but I'm still mad.

I go to my room and call raegan.

Raegan: hey

Me: hi. So my mom took me to the mall and let me get whatever I wanted

Raegan: is she bribing you

Me: I think so....I miss you. I say gently

Raegan: I miss you too..but I'll see you tomorrow at school

Me: right at school

Raegan: alright I gotta go I love you

Me: bye I love you.

I hang up and just lay on my bed.


I guess I fell asleep after I got off the phone with raegan. I woke up to my alarm and in the same clothes as yesterday. I changed clothes and drove to school.

I get out of my car and walk inside school. I walk to my locker and raegan is waiting for me.

"Hi" I say kissing him

Raegan: is the plan working

Me: I think we were cloes until she found out we were having sex

Raegan: what how did she find out you told her. He said loudly

Me: no I didn't tell her she just kinda found out she doesn't really care. And she out us on a break baecause our relationship is kinda going the same way as my last one and she doesn't want me to get hurt.

Raegan: how do I show her I'm not gonna hurt you

Me: I don't know.


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