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Justin's POV
I grab onto Raegans arm and walk close beside him I keep head down as raegan says hi to his friends he tells me all their names

Raegan: and Justin this is Bryce

Bryce: Justin yeah we've meet before

Raegan: oh you have. Raegan says to me

Me: yes.

We walk into the theater and they get snacks raegan offers to buy me something but I didn't want anything. We walk to find seats and I'm walking behind raegan holding his hand and Bryce is behind me I can fell his front touching my back. I take a deep breath and countinued walking I feel Bryce grab my hips and pull me to him I jerk my body away from him and I can hear him chuckle I sit down next to raegan with Bryce on the other side of me.

It's the ending of the movie and I really need to use the bathroom but I don't wanna miss anything but I also can't hold it. I tell raegan I'm going to the bathroom and he said ok.

I walk into the stall to do my buissnes I look at the ground and see Bryce's shoes in the next stall I take a deep breath and finish what I was doing

Bryce: I've missed you Justin. I knida miss him too but I don't want him to know that.

Me: you have. I flush the toilet and see him already out if his stall.

Bryce: very much...have you missed me

Me: I don't know

Bryce: tell me you miss me

Me: I miss the good memories but I don't miss you

Bryce: you told me you loved me

Me: I did love you

Bryce: then what happened between us

Me: you know what became abusive

Bryce: I was never abusive we were messing around and you got hurt

Me: I told you to stop

Bryce: you did but then you told me to keep going

Me: ok what about the other times I didn't want it

Bryce: I didn't do anything I stopped

Me: yeah after me begging you.

Bryce: in sorry Justin I've matured since then give me another chance.

I would love to give him another chance if only I wasn't with raegan.

Me: I can't

Bryce: why not you really wanna get used to a new person explaining everything again opening up again I already know everything I've seen everything it'll just be like old times but better.

I missed him so much and he's right I would have to open up again and stuff. But I think I really do love raegan.

Me: Bryce I ca-

Bryce: no don't tell me you can't Justin I love you. He said cutting me off

Me: I love you too

Bryce: so come back to me

Me: but I love raegan more I'm sorry.

I get closer to him and hug him he hugs me back and we just hold each other. We hear the door open and we separate.

Raegan: what are you guys doing

Me: nothing

Raegan: it looked like something. He said looking at both of us

Raegan: how did you guys meet y'all seem close.

Bryce: we uh-

Me: we used to-

Bryce: date

Raegan: oh. Raegan said adjusting his posture

Me: yeah but that was months ago. I said getting closer to raegan

Me: there's nothing between us

Raegan: that's not what it looked like a minute ago

Bryce: it was just a hug. Bryce jumps in

Me: babe I promise it was just a hug

Raegan: yeah ok let's just stop talking about this you guys missed the rest of the movie so I guess we can leave.

We walk out of the bathroom and all the other guys are waiting for us.

Boy: were gonna sneak in to another movie you guys wanna come.

Bryce: hell yeah.

Boy: raegan Justin you in. I was all in for it but I guess raegan wasn't

Raegan: no I'm tired I'll text you guys later.

Boy: you sure

Raegan: yeah

Boy: ok bye

Raegan: bye. He says to all of them and walks torwds the exit I follow him.

Me: are you mad. I asked raegan as we drive down the street from the theater.

Raegan: no. He says keeping his eyes on the road

Me: then what's wrong

Raegan: nothing I'm just focused on the road

Me: you seem annoyed

Raegan: yeah I kinda am. He says agressive

Raegan: why didn't you you tell me about you and Bryce.

Me: I didn't know you knew him

Raegan: ok but when you found out I knew him you could've told me

Me: it's not a big deal we used to date that's it I'm with you now. I said just as agressive

Raegan: k what was the hug for

Me: I haven't seen him in months it was emotional seeing him again.

Raegan: if you needed a hug you could've came to me

Me: I didn't need a hug from you I needed a hug from him

Raegan: tell me what Happened how you guys broke up

Me: we broke up cause we wanted different things he wanted to just have sex all the time and I didn't

All he did was sigh and shake his head.

Raegan: so your done with him

Me: yes and I told him that in the bathroom

Raegan: do you love him. I was taken by surprise with that question

Me: I used to

Raegan: do you now

Me: no

Raegan: could you love me like you loved him.

Me: i can't. He looked straight then down at his lap

Me: because I think I love you more.

He looked back at me and smiled

Raegan: really. I nodded

Raegan: I love you too Justin.

He leanded into kiss me but I couldn't kiss him cause he was still driving.

Me: babe babe your still driving. He looked back at the road and we swerved a little cause he was in the wrong lane.

Raegan: my bad. He laughed

Enjoy..... PEACE!!!!

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