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Shilpa woke up early..she wanted to see the she left the house at 6am...she knew at this time it will not be crowded..she wanted the much required peace...she reaches the beach and sees the calm sea... She sees only one shack is open... No one is there on the beach..

She goes near the shore...the water is cool...the wind is blowing very mild.. She is walking in the water,  suddenly a angry wave comes and rubs her feet... Shilpa is in deep thoughts...

Today is his birthday. She wanted to wish him but she is not ready.. Maybe her ego is too strong... She never liked troubling him in the big boss house... She used to get disturbed whenever he used to get upset... She only wanted him to say sorry but it took him 5 weeks to say sorry... She used to cry when others used to call him bad words or fight with him... She tried to explain him so many times not to have patience...he was a producer,  she wanted him to keep his self esteem but he used to just lose it.

After 5 weeks, when he finally apologised her under the table,  she was very happy...he had changed after that...from 1st week she had noticed him...he used to sit on the table and stare at her for hours, from the bedroom, kitchen..after the reconciliation, he started sitting opposite her and chat with her or help me..she used to like it..she used to like his attention.

But due to some housemates like Akash,  Arshi,  Puneesh, Hina, they had to keep distance.. She loved when he used to talk. he was intelligent..she could sit there and listen to him for hours.. She realised that she had started trusting him had feelings for him.. She never had a chance to accept it as then she came to know that he was just playing a game.. She felt like a foolish.. She cried for hours.. Everything changed after that.. He stopped eating what she cooked,  she stopped talking to him...their egos came in between..

She cared for him,  loved him to bits and wished good for him.. Now she is tired so she sits and she realises that she is crying.. Everytime,she thinks of him she is crying. Suddenly, she feels movement besides her and turns to face the cause of movement..

She is surprised seeing the person next to her,  then she is angry, then she is happy and then -"Vikasji aap?".

GOA MEIN MILANजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें