Ch. 01: Ordinary Brunette

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"Jasper O'Celevano is who I am and Jasper is a normal girl. Normal...normal," The young girl of seventeen whispered to the mirror as she brushed out the hair that ran all the way down her back. Sighing and clearing her throat, she said louder, "I am Jasper O'Celevano. I have achieved many things in life and I can achieve going through another year of high school under the farce of being ordinary." She placed down the brush and proceeded to braid her hair before joining her mother downstairs.

"Jasper," her mother--Adrian--called as she reached the last step, "don't forget to take the BMW instead of the Zenvo." 

"Yes, mama," Jasper uttered as she leaned in to kiss her mother's cheek and simultaneously grab her lunch. "Also, you can't be going anywhere or staying after today. We have work to do later," Adrian worded. "Yes, mama," Jasper called out as she left the house with keys to the BMW. Once she was in the car, she put the key in the ignition, checked her make-up in the rearview mirror, started the car, and drove away as soon as the garage door lifted.

"Where to park, where to park," she mumbled as she pulled into West High's parking lot. After finding a spot to park, she grabbed her colorful bag and got her simple outfitted self out of the car. She looked up to the school building and took a deep breath. "Back to school," she whispered before someone pounced on her from behind, wrapping their arms around her shoulders and making her jump.

"Jasper, I missed you!" Cried a familiar voice. After pulling the other girl's arms off of her, Jasper turned around to face Cassidy Erickson, a curvy swimmer with softly curled blonde hair and an outfit meant to flaunt the money in her daddy's bank account. "Cass, you saw me last week you hoe," Jasper spat out as she caught her breathe.

"I know, but you were at work and now we're here at school and we're back for the throne!" Cass shouted. Jasper rolled her eyes as Cass threw an arm around her shoulders and they walked towards the school. Once they reached the building, Cass let go of Jasper and ran off towards her latest fling. Just as soon as Cass ditched Jasper, Jasper's most normal friend--Brenda Hirsh--walked up in ripped jeans, sneakers, and a black shirt that read 'BAD KITTY'.

"You ready for our hardest year of high school?" Brenda asked. Jasper mouthed 'no' and the girls walked over to pull Cass away from her boyfriend. After grabbing Cass, all three of the girls walked inside and towards their classes. "What room is our Anatomy class in again, Brenda?" Jasper asked. "This way," Brenda replied as the two girls parted from Cass.

Later in the day, as the trio of girls met up for lunch, Jasper found herself lost in a daze. She kept thinking about her plans for later in the day and about the events of her summer. Finally, she was pulled from her thoughts as the other two girls began walking towards the cafeteria and Brenda grasped her arm. "Are you okay, Jass," Brenda whispered as the trio walked onward. Jasper only smiled and nodded.

Once the girls reached the cafeteria, they all went and bought some food from the vending machines and then found a table to sit at by themselves. Cass was no longer in the expensive outfit she was wearing earlier, but instead in casual ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Jasper wasn't surprised and neither was Brenda. Cass typically wore expensive clothing when leaving the house, but changed into casual clothes upon getting to school.

Cass might have been born into a rich family, but she certainly didn't act like a snob. She didn't ever consider herself above anybody else--regardless of their wealth or lack thereof--and she didn't feel the need to flaunt her wealth. Such behavior and morals were why the other two girls loved Cass so much. And Cass loved both of the girls back--one perhaps more than the other.

"Psst, Brenda, you should scoot a little closer to me so we can take a 'back-to-school' selfie to kick off the school year," Cass whispered towards the short-haired brunette with the blue glasses. Brenda nodded as she drank some tea through a straw and scooted closer to Cass. Jasper watched and smiled as Cass wrapped an arm around the smaller girl, planted her glossed lips on the girl's cheek, and snapped a photo of such as Brenda smiled with the straw still rested between her lips.

"Way to leave me out, guys," Jasper teased. Immediately, Brenda became flustered and ushered Jasper closer so that the three girls could all take a photo together. The photo turned out well and left all three girls smiling. "How normal," Jasper thought to herself, smiling, as she looked at the photo.

Finally, her facade of normal was about to be over as the three girls waited outside the school building. "Hey, I think we should all come to my house tonight to celebrate being back together at school," Cass announced. Immediately, Brenda smiled widely and both Cass and Brenda turned to look at Jasper expectantly. Looking down slightly, Jasper replied, "Girls, I can't today. I've got to watch little Elliot when I get home. How about tomorrow?"

As soon as Jasper finished speaking, the other two girls sighed and then followed her to the school's parking lot. "I'll check with my ma tonight and text you both through the group chat if she says yes, okay?" Jasper said. Both of the other girls began to look more pleased. "Okay, but both of you guys need to bring your swimsuits if you get to come over to my house tomorrow," Cass replied as Jasper climbed into her BMW.

"Okay, see you guys later," Jasper finished as she started the engine of the car and pulled away.

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