Ch. 08: Sticking Up For The Enemy

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As soon as Efah got home she locked herself in her room. She was having a hard time breathing. She was having an anxiety attack, and she couldn't do anything about it. No one was there to help, or comfort her. No one cares about her. No one loves her. She needed to fly. She needed to get out of here. She opened her window and placed her necklace on her bed. Her raven colored wings shot out and unfolded. She climbed out the window and jumped into the air, her wings flapped and she began to swore across the sky. She knew if a human were to look up they would see her as a bird. And she was fine with that. She flew around for a few minutes when she had this awful vision. A women with pure black eyes was feeding on a human male. Efah stared in horror, unable to move or speak. All she could do was watch this creature devour this man. Then the women looked at Efah. She smiled and walked over to her. "No. Stay away from me." Efah said.

The woman smiled and whispered in Efah's ear. "You'll be mine soon pretty birdy." Efah snapped out of the vision and saw she was about to crash. She quickly pushed her wings in front of her, causing her to back away from the upcoming tree. She landed and tried to catch her breath. All she could think about was the man getting ate alive. She flew back home and grabbed her laptop, googling murders in RavensWood. One file pulled up. She clicked it and saw the women that she saw a few hours ago. The police found her with her rib cage torn open. She was missing her lungs, guts, and other organs. The police ruled out to be a animal attack.

'Yeah right.' Efah thought. The woman's name was Eve Moonlit. She was a widow with two children. She worked at a business Company called Pol Inc. She didn't have a criminal record. Her kids didn't live in RavensWood anymore so Efah couldn't ask them questions. She then googled women with pure black eyes.  Nothing came up. "Crap." she said. She closed her laptop and ran her fingers through her hair. What was that thing?

The next day Castiel was again trying to flirt with her, but she didn't pay him any attention. She was too busy thinking about the women with pure black eyes. She couldn't stop thinking about them. She lost her train of thought when she saw a hand wave in her face. She jumped a little and looked at Castiel. "Class is over." he said. Efah looked around to see people were leaving. She gathered her things and left. She felt Castiel behind her. She turned around and looked at him. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah. How would you like to go to a carnival with me?"

"Um." Efah has heard of carnivals and has begged her parents to take her, but they never did. She would like to go but not with him. "I don't know." she said, "You're way too handsy for my liking."

"Okay, I'll make you a deal."

"What deal?"

"You go with me tonight and I won't tell anyone you're a dark angel." Efah froze. 'How the hell did he find out?' she thought.

"You seem shock little angel. I saw your markings when we were fighting."

"How come you've not told Jasper? Or your council?"

"Because I like you, little angel. You're different and you put up a fight. No girl that's straight can resist me, but you have. I like it when you play hard to get. It gets me a little competition."

"So what, you're going to blackmail me?"

"Just this once. Promise." Castiel wrapped his pinky around hers, when angels do this then they have to hold up to their promises. Efah bit her lip and saw girls glaring at her. Efah pulled her hand back. "I don't think you're girlfriends would like that very much," she said.

Castiel looked at the girls. "Eh, they can get over it. So you want to go?"

"Fine, but this doesn't change anything between us, got it."

"Fine. I'll pick up at six thirty." Efah nodded and walked off. She walked into the cafeteria to find Lisa slamming Jasper to the ground. "You stupid little slut. I know what you did."

"Lisa, you need to calm down." Jasper said. Lisa threw a punch at her and there was blood coming from Jasper's nose. 'Why isn't she fighting back?' Efah thought. Lisa got on Jasper and was throwing punches left to right. Efah had enough of this. She walked over to Lisa, grabbed the collar of her shirt, and threw her off Jasper. Lisa looked at Efah. "I thought I told you to stop." Efah said standing between Lisa and Jasper. As much as she hated Jasper, she wasn't about to let Lisa beat up another person. Right now, Efah was the only protection Jasper has against Lisa.

"Stay out of this, freak." Lisa growled.

"You going to make me? Remember what happened last time. You really want to go round two?" Lisa looked at Efah and stood down. Cops rushed in and took Lisa away. Efah turned and helped Jasper up. Without saying a word, Efah walked outside. "Nice work Efah." Alison said, appearing behind her.

"Thanks." she replied.

"You did good. Jasper owes you."

"Like she's going to accept the fact that I saved her butt. We're enemies, Alison. Nothing more."

"Hey, you never know, things might change." Efah looked at Alison as they sat under the tree. "So I saw you and Castiel Adams talking." Alison said, nudging Efah's shoulder.

"We're not together. We're not even friends."

"Am I your friend?"

Efah looked at Alison. The girl has done nothing to betray her, in fact the girl never asks Efah questions about her past. "Yea, Alison. I consider you a friend." With that, the girls split a sandwich and ate in peace.

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