Ch. 17: Witches Will Burn

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"I'm sorry Jasper O'Celevano, but she is a threat that must be dealt with," Jasper heard Elenora say in an unwavering tone of voice. Jasper changed her stance as she stood straighter and broadened her shoulders. "Don't act like there isn't a way around hanging her. Besides, she may have attacked two council members, but she did us little harm and she was being physically controlled; those were not her actions," Jasper said as she held her ground.

Elenora studied the younger witch carefully. "You're not the only one in charge, young girl. The only way you can save this child of mixed descent is to persuade a majority of the council to pardon her. You'll need three out of our five bloodlines to take your side," Elenora said sternly before leaving.

After Elenora left, Jasper turned to Jisoo and Castiel. "Where should we even start? We need to find Efah, save Efah, stop the devil's daughter, and on top of it all, convince the bloodlines to pardon Efah before the council gets a hold of her. Where do we even start?" Jasper began, on the cusp of hyperventilating.

Jisoo moved over to Jasper quickly and forced Jasper to look into her eyes. "Jasper, Jasper, breathe; that's the first step. Don't worry. It'll be okay," Jisoo said with a hand on Jasper's shoulder. Castiel stepped forward.

"We find Efah first. As long as we have her and the council doesn't, we have time to convince the bloodlines." Castiel explained. Jasper caught her breath and looked to him. "And if they realize we're hiding her and title us as traitors?" Jasper asked.

Everyone paused for a moment. "Do you have a better idea, Jasper?" Castiel asked. Jasper sighed. "Okay, okay. You're right, but we need to be careful," Jasper replied as her eyes looked to Jisoo. Castiel nodded. "Alright then. If that's final then let's get on a roll. Jasper, light your hands. Fox chick, get your nose ready. Let's track down Efah," Castiel said with a straightening of his body and a clap of his hands.

Jasper hesitated as she lifted an eyebrow. "What are you going to do, Mr. Wings-Made-of-Chalk-Dust?" Jasper asked. With an exaggerated sigh, Castiel unfolded his wings and walked toward the door. "I'll look from above, stupid. Create a mind link between us all, will you?" He said before lifting to the sky.

Jasper shook her head in annoyance as she lit her hands and closed her eyes. Jisoo eyed her witch carefully before shifting into a fox and jumping out the window. 'Let's go already. Your magic is too slow, rabbit. I'm already on her trail,' Jisoo said through a mind link she connected between all three of the young powers. Jasper rolled her eyes as she jumped out of the window and followed after Jisoo and Castiel, both other beings being faster than the witch. With a shake of his head, Castiel swooped down and snatched Jasper up into the air, careful to dodge her flailing limbs. "Let me go! What do you think you're doing!" Jasper screamed.

"Oh my god, shut up before I drop you," Castiel said in all seriousness, "You're too freaking slow on only two legs." Jasper stopped fighting, but held her face in an expression of pure annoyance. "I hate you." She muttered, her words not reaching Castiel's ears.

The angel followed Jisoo as he held Jasper until Jisoo came to a sudden halt in the woods and shifted back into a human. Castiel touched ground beside Jisoo and let Jasper go. "What happened? Why'd you stop?" He asked. Jisoo shook her head. "Her scent stops here. Somebody must have covered it up somehow, because it's just gone from here forward," She explained.

Castiel sighed and ran his hands through his hair as Jasper's hands lit into gold flames. "How are we supposed to find her now?" Castiel asked, beginning to grow frustrated. Jisoo rolled her eyes and pointed to Jasper. "She's looking, you idiot." Jisoo said.

"Oh, somebody tried really hard to cover Efah's energy signature. Too bad for them that I'm so much smarter than they think I am and can trace energy shifts," Jasper said with a smile. "You're going to need to tell me how that works some other time," Jisoo replied as they all took off again with a slight change in direction.

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