Ch.14: Don't Threatin Me With A Good Time

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“And this is my room.” Jasper said, opening her bedroom door. Efah looked at the plain white walls and bed. ‘Her room kind of looks like a princesses room,’ she thought, ‘totally different from me.’

“Make yourself at home,” Jasper said laying on her bed. Efah walked around and spotted her bluetooth speaker. Efah walked over to it an picked it up. “You mind?” she asked. Jasper gave her the a-okay and Efah paired her phone to it. “Any suggestions?” Efah asked.

“My Girl by the Temptations.” Jasper said. Efah played it but then cringed and turned it off. “Hey! Why did you turn it off?” Jasper asked.

“What kind of music was that?” Efah asked.

“Soothing music.”

“It sucks.”

“It’s good.”

“No, this is good music.” Efah then played Marilyn Manson’s Ka boom. Efah began to sing and move her head. Jasper covered her ears and Efah groaned. “Fine. What about this one?” Efah asked. She then played Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At the Disco.

Efah saw Jasper begin to move her head and Efah got up and grabbed Jasper, pulling her off the bed. Efah began to dance. “Memories tend to just pop up. Drunk pre-meds and some rubber gloves. Five thousand people with designer drugs. Don’t think I can never get enough,” she sang.

She saw Jasper begin to move. “Champagne, Cocaine, Gasoline. And most things in between. I roam the city in a shopping cart. A pack of camels and a smoke alarm. This night is heating up. Raise hell and turn it up. Saying, If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe. Oh yeah, don’t threaten me with a good time.

When the song ended, Jasper laughed and fell on her bed. “That was fun.” Efah laughed and sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re good at singing,” Jasper said.

“Thank you.”

Knock knock! “Come in.” Jasper said. The door opened to reveal Castiel and Jisoo. “Hey guys,” Jisoo said, giving off a little wave.

“Hello,” Jasper said. Efah looked between Jasper and Jisoo as they stared at each other all lovey dovey. Efah felt uncomfortable. “Hey Efah, can I talk to you alone?” Castiel asked. She nodded and followed Cas outside the room. Once they were outside, she asked why he wanted to see her. “Oh no reason. I just saw you get uncomfortable with Jisoo and Jasper.”


He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Better now that I’m away from those people.”

Castiel nodded. “Efah I...I have something I need to say.” He walked closer to Efah and put his hands on her waist. “I know we didn’t get along when we first met, and that doesn’t justify me trying to seduce you. I know I have done really awful things to you Efah, but...Efah I...I’m in love with you.” Efah’s eyes widened as she stared at Castiel. He put his hand on her cheek. “I love you Efah Collins.”

Efah looked down and sighed. “I’m sorry Cas, I..I don’t feel the same way.” she said taking his hand off her face.

“You’re lying.”


“You do have feelings for me; you’re just scared to admit it.”

“Look at us! You’re a light angel, I’m a dark angel. We’re two different creatures.”

“So? Efah, you’re not like the others. The others are monsters and murderers.”

“And your kind isn’t?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. My kind aren't the only murders, yours are too.”

“Please enlighten me on how we are murders.”

Your kind killed my sister.”

“She probably deserved it.” SLAP! Efah slapped Castiel across the face as hard as she could. Tears spilled out of her eyes.

“She was eight. My parents didn’t give a shit about us. They also abused her but I took her beatings along with mine. I loved her and she loved me. She was an innocent child, who deserved to live. She never hurt anybody. In fact, she loved animals.Three people of your kind attacked us while we were flying around. I begged them to let her live. I told them to kill me and let her go. They killed her right in front of me and laughed. They laughed because they murdered an innocent child! So your kind is just as bad as mine.”

Castiel punched the wall that was behind her head. His fist was about two inches from her head. Jasper and Jisoo ran out of the room and stared at the angels. “Your parents are right about you, you’re worthless,” he said. Efah stared at him with wide eyes as he walked away. Efah sank to her knees terrified. Jasper and Jisoo ran to her and pulled her into a hug. Efah just sat there, speechless.

That night, Efah tossed and turned. Sleep wasn’t coming to her. She threw her blankets off of her and opened her window. The night air hit her face and she sighed. She went to lay back down until she heard movement behind her. She turned, but was tackled. She looked to see the woman with pure black eyes on her. Before Efah could scream, the woman  covered her mouth. She then bent down to her ear. “Böse.” she whispered. Efah screamed as she felt pain shoot through her body, then everything went black.

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