Ch. 10: Not So Welcome Home

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*Warning this chapter does contain abuse. If you do not wish to read about it then please skip it. Thank you*

Efah quickly rushed into the house and ran upstairs. She threw on a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a white sweater. The sleeves were inches away from covering her fingers. She put on applied winged eyeliner and some black lipstick.

She gave herself one last look in the mirror and smiled. She grabbed her phone and headed towards her bike. Once she got to the carnival, she waited at the entryway. She watched people walk in.

About an hour passed and still no sign of Castiel. 'Maybe his parents needed him for something,' she thought. She waited for another hour and finally accepted the fact that he wasn't coming. She phone made a ding and she saw that Castiel and Jasper made a photo together.

'He played me.' she thought. She clenched her fist and turned her phone off, putting it back into her pocket and went home.

The next morning Efah woke up and threw on skinny black jeans, black combat boots, and a black crop top. She put on some foundation, black eyeshadow, and black lipstick. She brushed her hair and grabbed her bag and her phone. She got to school and walked to her locker.

"Efah." Castiel said, walking over to her. She didn't speak a word. "Look, about last night, I'm-" Slap.

Efah smacked Castiel right across the face. Everyone stopped and looked at them. "You're a dick!" Efah said. Jasper came over and tried to talk to Efah, but Efah punched her straight in the nose. Castiel helped Jasper up and they both looked at Efah. "You two stay the hell away from me or it'll be much worse." Efah felt a tear roll down her cheek and she knew they saw, because they watched it roll off her cheek. She slammed her locker and walked away.

She walked into class and put her head down, trying to not to cry. The teacher walked in and she saw Castiel and Jasper sitting together laughing and giggling. Efah rolled her eyes and put her earphones in blaring Broken Pieces by Apocalyptica ft. Lacey Strum.

She then began to draw. She drew her sister, Daniel. Once class ended, she went to lunch. Allison wasn't here today so she ate alone. Then finally, she went home. She walked into the house and was greeted by her "parents".

"Efah Leliania Collins." Her father said.

"What do you want?"

Smack! Efah was thrown to the ground. She looked up at him and he constantly kicked her hard in the stomach and ribs. Efah coughed up blood. He stopped and got on top of her and punched her multiple times. 'I have to get out of here.' she thought. She pushed him off her and ran outside. She revealed her wings and flew off.

Tears were streaming down her face nonstop. Everything that has been bottled up for years were coming out. Just then she slammed into something and they both fell. Efah landed on her wing, and heard a snap. She cried out in pain. She knew her wing was broken. She saw a shadow walking over to her but she fell unconscious.

Castiel was flying around. He needed to stretch his wings because he hasn't done it in awhile. He kept thinking about how he could make make it up to Efah. He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the angel that was about to collide. When he slammed into her, they both fell. He managed to get retraction back but the angel wasn't so lucky. He heard a snap and then a cry. He looked and saw Efah on the ground. He landed and walked over to her. He saw she had bruises on her face and she had a busted lip. He placed his finger on her forehead and saw her parents beat her. Well her dad was the one beating, her mother just stood there laughing. Cas stopped the vision and looked at Efah.

'No wonder why she wants to be left alone.' he thought. He picked her up bridal style and flew to a secret cabin no one knew about. Not even the council. He went to the cabin everytime he needed to get away he came here. He placed her on the bed and tended to her wounds. He knew she would be passed out for a couple of days so she can heal herself. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. He placed a blanket on her and walked out of the room. It was now Monday and Efah has slowly recovered. He knew a few more days and she'd be up again. He went to school and Jasper walked over to him. "I thought of how we can introduce Efah to the council."

"I'm not taking her to the council." he said bluntly. After seeing what Efah goes through he isn't going to force her into seeing the council. "Wait what?" she asked.

"I'm not taking Efah to the council."

"But we have to. We need to take her to the council or we're going to get in trouble. My head is on the line here."

"Dammit Jasper, do you ever think of something other than yourself? We have done enough to hurt Efah and you want to force her into something she don't want to see. If you haven't noticed, Efah is hurting."

"But we need her."

"No you need her to save your own ass. I'm not helping you force her into the council meeting. But you owe her. She got Lisa off of you and a human girl. She isn't a threat and wants to be left alone. So my answer is no, I refuse to do it."

"I don't care how she is, Castiel. I don't care what she has done. She is a threat and nothing more."

"Wow, rabbit. You're heartless." They both turned and saw Jisoo glaring at Jasper. "Castiel is right. Efah has proved herself that she isn't a threat, but yet you want to force her into something. Even if she'll have an anxiety attack. That's like raping her. Which you're trying to do. But you're trying to rape her of what little confidence she has in her. But I wouldn't expect a spoiled brat to understand." Jisoo walked off.

"Thanks Cas. Now she hates me."

"Really Jasper? You know what you'll never be a good council member if you can't take responsibility for your actions." Cas closed his locker and walked off.

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