Ch. 11: Trouble In Paradise

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"Find her. Now!" Jasper had yelled at Castiel after the last summonings. He quickly turned to leave, but stopped short as Elenora blocked his path. "Castiel darling, won't you be a doll and help me with a little something. Quickly, I need to make a statement to the community that the council is working on investigating the murder. Follow me," She said as she turned Castiel back around and the both of them found themselves in front of Jasper.

"Pose won't you, my team of investigators. Here, give me your hands and put them together like so...annnd, smile!" Elenora said as she snapped a cell phone photo of the two young council representatives. As soon as Elenora motioned that it was done, Jasper jerked her hand out of Castiel's. "I need to find bleach," she muttered as she stalked off.

Turning back, she noticed many people beginning to surround Castiel and crowd him with political discussion. She sighed. He had the life of being part of the head bloodline and, on top of that, he was an angel--gaining him more attention. Jasper headed out with her family and crashed immediately once she got home.

Over the weekend, she texted Cas, but got no response. She would have been worried if such a lack of response had been unlike him; however, Castiel usually ignored Jasper. She used her weekend to catch up on school work and edit her policy proposal. "One day, school work will be illegal and my policy speech will see the light of day," she said to herself after finishing for the calm, Saturday night.

After she put her notebooks and pencils up, she changed into joggers, a tight tank top, and sneakers. She then grabbed her phone, earbuds, and her jacket before walking out the front door.

Pushing her expensive, noise-cancelling earbuds into her ears, Jasper began running. It was already dark out, but Jasper knew the path easily. She ran straight on the sidewalk until she made a sharp left turn down a winding pathway through gardens. She could feel her heart racing and her breathing got harder, but as soon as she cleared the slim path, she pushed harder and ran faster.

Sweat beaded her brow and dripped down into her eyes occasionally. Finally, she passed a Chinese buffet and slowed to a jog as she went a little further. She finally paused in front of a gym and--after catching her breathe a bit--went inside. The gym was pretty much deserted at this hour. Deserted of humans, that was. Powers of all kinds greeted Jasper's vision as she entered the gym.

Finding her trainer and long-time friend, Sam, she smiled widely. "Ready to go again?" Sam asked as Jasper approached. "I'm ready to finally beat your arse," Jasper replied, her grin growing wider. "Bring it, bloodline." Sam said as she narrowed her eyes slightly at an attempt to intimidate Jasper. The witch and the demon child climbed into the wrestling arena as hoots and hollers from around the room could be heard.

Another power, Vincent, climbed into the ring alongside them to start the match. With a crowd gathered and already excited, Vincent began things. "Everybody, listen up," Vincent started, "You all know the rules; no hospital visits, no snitching to bloodlines, no interfering, and no throwing anything on the stage." Many sounds of agreement and understanding surfed the crowd.

"Ladies," Vincent said as he motioned to Jasper and Sam, "begin!" Vincent, with vampire speed, ducked out of the ring as Jasper and Sam stepped closer to each other in ready stances.

With a swift motion, the demon in front of Jasper threw her fist forward. Jasper dodged it as she swerved her head to the side and quickly moved her leg forward to cause Sam's leg to give and her balance slip. As expected, Sam recovered in record time to make a grab at Jasper's head. Jasper ducked into a squatting position as quick as she could as the demon's fingers caught in her hair.

Jasper then followed up in one fluid motion by tackling the demon's waist and slamming her into the ropes. Hearing Sam grunt for the first time in any of their matches gave Jasper a sense of pride. However, Jasper's pride was quickly lost as Sam jumped, wrapped her legs around Jasper's waist, and brought them both to the floor with Sam on top. "I thought you were ready to finally beat me?" Sam taunted.

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