Ch. 09: Reports of Bloodshed

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Ping, Jasper's phone sounded as she received a text. She was slowly approaching the cafeteria as she pulled out her phone to check it. She passed by Lisa who was having a heated conversation on call with someone in the hall. Looking down, Jasper saw a text from Jessica Williams reading: I just watched your video you sent me and trust me, Lisa will be thoroughly reprimanded at my hands.

Jasper gave a small smile and responded before putting her phone up and going to get food. Reaching the line for food, Jasper found Jisoo and smiled. "Hello fox," Jasper said as Jisoo turned to greet her. "Looks like a little mouse is running 'bout. What can I do for you today? Would you like me to turn your cheeks red?" Jisoo asked as she moved to touch Jasper's face. Jasper stepped back.

"We need to set some ground rules. I'm not a toy and I have more pressing concerns than wondering if your lips taste like strawberry or cherry. Now, top of that list is being concerned with if you're really announced. What's your last name?" Jasper said. Jisoo sighed.

"I'm guessing that you're a bloodline witch, or else you wouldn't be so serious in whether or not I'm announced. I was announced to the local council three years ago. My last name is Kim and I'm sure the reason we haven't met yet is 'cause I just transferred to this high school from another local high school," Jisoo replied. "Thank you," Jasper said as she turned around, only to dodge a fist headed for her head.

"What the-" Jasper said before a fist connected with her mouth. She heard a low growl behind her as her eyes laid gaze to the face of her attacker; Lisa Williams. The growl stalked closer until Jasper shook her head slightly. 'Don't do it, Jisoo. She's a bloodline. Besides, she's already in deep trouble,' Jasper said through a mind link with her fox.

"What was that for, Lisa?" Jasper asked loudly. The blonde bully leaned in closely and replied through gritted teeth, "you know exactly what that was for, you snitch." With that, Lisa's right hand snatched a hold of Jasper's hair and yanked her head down. Jasper made small attempts to fight back, but knew that it would be best to not hurt the other bloodline.

'Let her bring more trouble upon herself,' thought Jasper. Not many seconds later did Lisa have Jasper pinned to the ground with her fists making hits often and her mouth screaming obscenities. Jasper did her best to deflect the hits and not gain many marks. Another witch couldn't beat Jasper as thoroughly as Jasper had experienced in the past.

And then she heard the voice of an angel as the weight of Lisa's body was removed from atop Jasper. "I thought I told you to stop," Efah said to the other witch. Lisa quickly regained herself.

"Stay out of this, freak," Lisa growled.

"You going to make me? Remember what happened last time? You really want to go round two?" Lisa looked at Efah and found her lips closed for once. Cops arrived and took Lisa away, but Jasper knew they'd only be taking Lisa home for Jessica Williams to deal with her. Efah turned and reached a hand out to Jasper.

Wary, Jasper slowly took her hand and stood. Without saying a word, Efah walked outside. Jasper wiped the blood from her face and watched Efah walk away. 'Why interject?' Jasper thought as she felt Jisoo's presence step up from behind her. Jisoo placed a hand under Jasper's chin and turned Jasper's head to face her.

"I'm glad my little rabbit is okay," Jisoo said as she rubbed her thumb over Jasper's cheek. Jasper pushed her hand away. "I'm not your little pet," Jasper said before walking away to find the nearest empty bathroom. Looking into the mirror above one of the three sinks, Jasper admired the bruises lining her left cheek. She sighed and opened her hand in front of her.

The air around her fingers turned gold as her magic did it's work, hiding the visible evidence of her bruises. "Who needs foundation when you can use your own hands," Jasper mumbled to herself. After finishing, Jasper splashed her face with water and calmed down. "One day," Jasper voiced to the empty air, "I'll kick her ass."

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