Peeta's Ending

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"Trust me" Katniss' calm voice whispers to me as she hands me the Nightlock berries. I look into her eyes; they are so beautiful as they shine, pale grey green in the sunlight. Her olive skin glows as she opens her chapped lips to speak.




We raise the berries to our lips and push them on to our tongues.


The voice of Seneca Crane echos through the arena but he is too late. I watch Katniss swallow the berries and as I am about to do the same I am suddenly pinned to the floor!

In fear, I look up at the attacker thinking it could be an undead tribute but I am shocked to see a man wearing all white with surgical mask covering his mouth and nose. Katniss reacts quickly and kicks the man in the head with her heavy brown boot. She is instantly pushed back by another stranger wearing identical white clothes and mask. She falls to the floor while new groups of masked men come flooding in. Two men carry a plastic bed covered in metal restraints so I immediatly stand and begin to run. I turn to check Katniss is following me but I am shocked to see her stood unmoving. What's wrong with her? We're being attack! Why is she not drawing an arror to fire? But, that's when I realise. Her face turns as pale as her eyes and she drops to her knees. I instantly run to her aid with out thinking but I am stopped by one of the men who stabs a needle into my arm. I am forced to my knees and held there until the rest of the masked men have caught up. I open my mouth to scream which makes me realise the berries are sat in my mouth. I swallow it quickly with out a second thought.

"He has swallowed it" One of the men confirms.

The other men react quickly and pushes me to the floor as the plastic bed is brought over but I can't fight back. What ever they stabbed into my viens is rendering me helpless, making all my efforts to break free of their grip hopeless. The men lift me up and clip the retraints over my hands, arms, legs and forehead. I can't see what they are doing to Katniss which makes me feel sick. Mean while, the masked men discuss what the situation is; I hear them say that the Games are over for this year. One man comes so close to my face I feel his breath through the mask. He reveals a bottle of purple liquid which is quickly tipped down my throat but I use all the energy I have left to attempt to spit it up but my efforts fail as the fluid runs into my body. I then lose all hope and shut my eyes and wait to die.

This can't be death. If it is then I always imagined it differenlty. I open my eyes praying to see Katniss' beautiful eyes infront of me like when she found me in the arena but I just see a white ceiling covered in pipes. I can't sit up but I lean slightly to see my feet are hovering in the air, strapped to chains hanging from the ceiling. My eyes flicker to my arms to see they are also hanging. Wires are clipped all over my body which run off the glass bed and onto the floor into machines. Why am I hung here like a puppet? 

Suddenly, I feel liquid rising from my stomache into my mouth; it spills over my lips and onto my clothes. I turn as far as I can and vomit on the floor so I won't choke. I blink my eyes into focus to see the fluid is a purple colour with lumps. The drink that was forced down my throat made me sick but why? I come to realise that I ate those berries, I had swallowed death so they made me bring it back up. 

This makes one of the machine beep crazily, alerting the men in white to come flooding in. They noticed that the purple drink worked a charm as they begin to clean up the mess I made. The floor is quickly cleaned but I am less easily mopped up especially with the chains restricting me.

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