Rue's Mother

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For the first time in what feels like forever, I don't wake up alone. I open my eyes to see Katniss lead on my chest. I can feel her heart beat against me like drum.

The peace is ruined quickly when Haymitch walks in but he's frowning. His hair is messy and he hasn't dressed himself properly. I can tell from the smell that he had one too many drinks last night.

I pretend to be asleep as he stumbles up to the bed and stares at me and Katniss.

"Aww! How sweet" He talks to himself with a sickening tone in his voice. I open one eye and watch him peer around the room before wobbling over to a tray that has been left for me. He picks up the jug of water from the tray and walks back over so he is leaning right over me and Katniss. I know what he's going to do. Just as begins to tip the jug I roll over slightly so Katniss doesn't get soaked as the water falls onto my back. I jumped to my feet as the cold water runs down my body and drips on the floor.

"Good you're awake.." Haymitch grins. I glare at him as I pull my shirt off. 

"You're lucky I wasn't alseep or I would have kicked you right in the face" I snap at him. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you wanted ice" 

"Ice?" I don't know what Haymitch is on about until he reaches into the jug and throws a handful of ice cubes at me. He slams the jug onto the table making Katniss sits up in bed and frantically look around until she sees me stood there soaking wet. She turns to Haymitch and gives him one of her looks.

"Really Haymitch?" She says getting up and walking over to me. 

"So the love birds are up and running again?" Haymitch replies but his comment makes Katniss take a step away from me. 

"Cinna wants you up and ready for the District 2 presentation today. Hopefully you'll actually be able to get through it without being blinded" I sigh as he walks out of the room. 

We're stood behind the justice building doors once again but in 2 instead. Cato and Clove's district. This is gonna be a hard one since I practically killed Cato in the last few minutes of the Games.

The doors swing open and I walk out onto the stage with my speech cards in my hand.  I clear my throut as I approach the microphone. District 2 is one of the best looked after as it's a career district. Everyone has clothes to wear, food to eat and nobody walks around limping or bleeding since they have a hospital. The audience stares up at me as I begin speaking.

"Today we mark the death of the fallen tributes from District 2, Cato and Clove. They both volenteered for the Games which shows bravery and courage.." I'm thinking about how Katniss volenteered for her sister, Prim.

"Cato and Clove both lasted a long time in the arena which shows their skills and determination. Unfortunately, only 1 comes out of the arena and I know it should have been one of them who left since they are both warriors. But, we must stay strong as 1 during times like this since we are all members of Panem. Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever." I finish and begin to walk out but someone yells out from the crowd

"YOU KILLED CATO!" I ignore them and keep walking but others start to scream out until everyone is chanting the same line. "YOU KILLED CATO!". Haymitch indicates for me to keep walking but I turn and walk quickly back to the microphone. 

"Yes. You're right. I did kill Cato!" I yell which silences the crowd "but it's the Games so there has to be a loser! 23 losers! He would of killed me as soon as he got his chance! And I'm not sure if you heard him in his last moments but he said that he was dead anyway!" The crowd is silent until one woman stood at the front kisses her three fingers and raised them in the air. It takes a moment but soon everyone else is doing the same. I raise my three fingers too before walking through the doors of the justice building. 

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