And so it begins.

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I don't sleep at my new house. I just sit where ever I can and think but sometimes my mind freezes and I forget everthing except Katniss. The thought of her always sits in the back of my mind even though I'm certain I'll never see her again. I wonder if they saved her? They saved me from the Nightlock but she wasn't any use to Snow anymore so why not kill her? I always thought I'd be first to die but it seems she got there first. I don't cry about it anymore but when I think about her I just stop talking, no matter what's happening around me. I wonder what they're doing to her now, if she's alive somewhere?

My bedroom door slides open but I don't look up to see who it is. I don't want the image of Katniss' face to be washed away by who ever just walked into my room.  


"Peeta!" The voice yells at me but I still don't look up. I hear the door slam shut behind the person. Good, I don't need anyone at the moment! Sadly, the door slides open again but this time I hear more footsteps. Who ever was just here has brought back a friend but I just continue to stare at my hands, unmoving.

"Peeta, look at me" It's Haymitch's voice this time.

"What's wrong with him?" Another voice says. Even though I can hear the worry in their voices I chose to ignore them because the pictures of Katniss have never been so clear in my mind before.

Once again the door slides open and someone enters.

"What's wrong with Peeta?" The new voice says quietly, thinking I can't hear. I hear Haymitch's heavy footsteps come closer until he stops infront of the bed I sit on. He starts clicking his fingers infront of my face to get my attention.

"Yoohoo! Peeta?" He says but I give no response. "Hey, crazy? Look up!" No response.

"KATNISS!" I hear a voice scream which instantly brings me to reality. I stand up in the defensive potition that I would do in the arena if someone was attacking. 

"Finally" Haymitch sniggers. I sigh and stand up straight to see Hatymitch stood right infront of me but there is movement behind him. I push him slightly to the side to reveal I young blonde girl standing there, smiling.

"Hello, Peeta!" She says quietly. She speaks like an adult with her formal words. I recognise her braids and her pale face.

"Primrose?" I remember her now! Katniss' little sister. She turns quickly in delight.

"I told you he would remember me!" I look up from her to see who she is talking to. I see I dark haired man that is slightly taller than me but he is muscular with a button down shirt hanging loosly on his shoulders. It's Gale, Katniss' bestfriends.

"Gale?" I say walking up to him but I step back so he doesn't imtimidate me with his height.

"Nice to see you're out of that little trance you had going on" Gale jokes but I frown and turn away to look at Haymitch, about to question why everyone is here.

"Play nice" Haymitch says to Gale "It's not his fault he's mentally unstable" His comment doesn't help so I cut in before he says anymore.

"What's happening?" I ask Haymitch but Prim answers.

"Haymitch says we're your treatment!" She blurts out. I can see what Haymitch meant by intense! Primrose looks so much like her sister with her pretty braids, just like Katniss when I threw the bread to her in the rain. I remember her claiming that I saved her and her family but I still don't believe her. I wish I had gone out to her, then maybe she'd be alive and not me, which would be better for everyone.

I look up to Haymitch, Prim and Gale staring at me which makes me realise that I fell into the 'trance' again and that Haymitch had been trying to talk to me.

Peeta Mellark- What is left?Where stories live. Discover now