We're Home.

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"Where are we?" 

"What's happening?"

"Where are we going?" All questions that I asked over an over again in my head. When I try to get them out of my mouth they just come out as screams of agony.

Katniss and Finnick put me down on the cold metal floor. They try to calm me down but they both no I won't relax as long as the venom of the Tracker Jackers is in me. 

As soon as the ramp closes under us, the hover craft takes off. 

"You're okay" Katniss strokes my hair and holds my chin up so I can't look at the mess that is my arm. Having her here seems to worsen the situation inside my head as terrible memories of her come flooding back. 

"C'mon Peeta! You're fine" Finnick says but he knows I'm the opposite of fine. "Where is everyone? I'm going to go find them!" He's quickly on his feet, without a second thought, sprinting out of the room.

"KATNISS?" I call out to her. I need to remind myself that she isn't the mutt that lives in my memories.

"I'm right here. Always." She takes my hand and holds it tight.

"We need to move that bone back" I'd almost forgotten Johanna was here. "It's not doing any good like that."

"We can't" Katniss slaps her hands away but that doesn't stop her from placing them around my arm, waiting to snap it back into place.

She lets go when the slides open. Finnick rushes in with Haymitch by his side. 

"It didn't look that bad on camera" Haymitch takes a couple of steps back.

"HELP HIM!" Katniss screams at him in anger. Haymitch walks out the door but returns promptly with 2 men dressed in white. 

My thoughts clash against each other. I remember these men from the arena last year! They rush over to me but I use what ever strength I have left to get away from them.

"This isn't the time for this Peeta! Sit still!" Haymitch steps forward and holds my shoulder like he did on the train. I cry out  as explosions of pain run up my arm; he loosens his grip. 

"Now this is going to hurt" One of the men clasps his hands gently around my broken arm. 

In one quick move the man forces my bone back into place but the pain feels infinite. 

"Stop! You're hurting him!" Katniss screams at the men, trying to push him off me.

"That's it!" Haymitch takes her hands and holds them behind her back. "C'mon, sweet heart!" He pulls her out the room with Johanna and Finnick close behind. 

"Can I get some morphine here?" One man says to the other. 

Before I can object, the drug is already being stabbed into my arm. For a moment, the morphine changes the small flames into a wildfire but the relief comes. It makes the roaring fire suddenly feel like a nothing.

"He's lucky to have made it out alive" The last words I hear before blacking out.

I could have slept forever if I hadn't have been awaken the buzzing of machines. When I open my eyes everything seems foggy like in the arena but it slowly clears. I see people around me but they all have their backs turned to large flickerinh screens.

"We have to tell him!" I smile at the sound of Katniss' voice. She's safe.

"No, Miss Everdeen! Not for the time being." An unfamiliar voice cuts in. "And if you chose to inform him on the current situation then maybe you're aren't fit to be involved in this." 

Peeta Mellark- What is left?Where stories live. Discover now