New thoughts.

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She tried to kill me while I was at my most vulnerable. She kicked my while I was down but why? 

Because she wants me dead. 

I open my eyes as the flames die out but I am taken aback to see Doctor Enzel only inches away from my face. He is shining a light into my eyes which makes me squint.

"The venom worked well" He seems almost dissapointed with his discovery. "His eyes are almost completely black"  He turns around as he speaks which reveals Snow stood at the back of the room but he starts to walk up to me. Snow is helping you, don't be alarmed. New thoughts flow into my head while Snow guides Enzel out of the way. Don't flinch. He's good. My thoughts command me to stay put while Snow looks my in the eyes.

"All that blue has gone! Excellent" Snow half smile at me with victory in his eyes. He draws back slightly and looks to Enzel who is staring at me like I'm a wild animal. He twitches slightly and can't stand still; shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

He walks with Snow to the door but once he has left the room, Enzel rushes back over to me like I've just been shot. He puts his hands on my shoulders and grips them so tight that I can feel his nails making dents in my skin. 

"Are you in there Peeta?" He seems suddenly frantic and upset. I'm right here! "Fight it! Fight it for Katniss" He covers his mouth with his hands as soon as her name slips out.

The sound of her voice burns through my head; creating anger that burns like fire! I'm never going to do anything for Katniss! She's not even human! 

I lean far forward so Enzel is only centimetres away from my face. 

"Don't trust her!" I whisper to him. Katniss could be watching us right as this moment. "She's not even human! She'll kill us all!" 

Enzel lets out a heavy sigh that makes my lean back into my chair but he says nothing until he's about to leave.

"I'm sorry, Peeta. Prepare yourself for what is coming. Snow has plans but it will be over soon" He slips out of the room before I can reply.

What does he mean! I don't need to prepare myself for anything! The only plans Snow has is to protect me from Katniss, that filthy mutt! 

After what feel like hours, men in white release me from the room and shove me down the hall.

"You'll be in District 12 again soon so just entertain yourself for a while" They say as they disappear back into the room so I just shrug. There's no point questioning them. They know what they're doing.

I walk down the train until I find myself in the main car so I sit down and stare out the window. I start to worry about returning home. Won't Katniss be there? Snow wouldn't do that to me! Maybe he killed her! 

The thought of Katniss dead makes me laugh to myself but I stop when Haymitch strolls in and sits down opposite me. Images of him being attacked by Katniss flash into my head but they seem unreal. They must be real; I can't have memories of things that didn't happen!

"What were you laughing at?" He asks but he keeps his head down like he doesn't want to see my face. I start to smile again as the images leak back into my mind. 

"Just thinking about something" I say still smiling. Haymitch lifts his head slowly until his eyes meet mine. He leans back in shock slightly but then tilts his head to the side as he stares at me. 

I turn around to see if he's looking at something behind me but his eyes stay fixed on my face. I grow angry and worried so I stand and walk over to the mirror to see what's so weird about me that is causing him to gawk.

Peeta Mellark- What is left?Where stories live. Discover now