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Katniss wakes us up just as it begins to rain again as if the Game makers are taunting us with memories of Annie drowning. We all get to our feet, ready to move on but Finnick lays still. Johanna shakes him until he opens his eyes but he refuses to move.

"No." His voice is deep and husky, like Haymitch's when he wakes up with a hang over.

"Finnick get up!" Johanna continues to shake him but just turns over onto his stomach, covering his face.

"I don't want to go on any further" He murmurs into the ground. "I have nothing left"

For a moment we just stand above him without saying a word. Katniss kneels down next to him and whispers something to him. He turns over as he listens to her quiet words; his eyes brightening.

He stands, picking up the rope, the trident and the parachute, and begins walking but he stops when he looks at me.

"You should probably do something about that" He points at my arm. I lift it up slightly to see the large cut from yesterday. It stopped bleeding and was cleaned by the down pour of rain but it stings to touch.

"Yeah sorry about that" Johanna rubs her neck "I was aiming for the rope but.." 

"It's fine" I cut her off as Katniss approaches me, touching the red skin around the cut. "OW!" I flinch at her touch.

"I have that pain killer stuff" Johanna takes the parachute off Finnick and pulls out the yellow syringe. She rest the tip of the needle on my arms, ready to stab it into my skin. 

I watch Finnick's expression change as he begins to run back over to us. 

"JOHANNA STOP!" He screams but it's too late. Johanna thrusts the needle into my arm; pushing the liquid into my veins. "IT'S VENOM!" Finnick yells at her as she pulls the needle out of my arm. 

Suddenly, everything around me begins to wobble and twist. I rub my eyes but the building infront of me continue to deform. 

Katniss grabs my shoulders, keeping my upright, crying words to me that I can't hear. Her face splits and multiplies until there are hundreds of her stood before me. They blink at me in sync like animals. Her faces start to change as she crouches to the floor. She grimances at me, showing pointed teeth like Enobaria's. She snarls at me as I back away, bumping into Johanna.

"Johanna! What's happening?" I pull on her shirt to get her attention but she lets out a piercing scream that rings in my ears.

"GET OFF ME!" She grabs my hands and twists it until I cry for mercy. She pushes me away but I can't stop myself from stepping closer to her. 

"YOU'RE CRAZY!" She becomes less scared and more angry. 

"I'm not crazy! I'm fine!" I know that I'm not fine but I'd do anything for her to stop. She takes her eyes off me for a second so I instantly turn to see what caught her attention. I watch as Annie runs around infront of me, giggling like a child. 

"Crazy boy! Crazy boy!" She sings to herself as she skips around the buildings. By this moment, I don't know what to believe is real as the venom surges through my blood stream. 

I open and close my eyes, frantically trying to make this nightmare disappear but it just becomes more vivid. 

"Peeta! Come back!" I her voice echo through the arena. "Don't let it take you!" Katniss whispers to me but I can't see her. I can almost feel her running her hand through my hair. 

Johanna pushes me continously but this time I fall to the rocky ground. 

As soon as my head hits the cold gravel I open my eyes and start gasping for air, like I was drowning. 

Peeta Mellark- What is left?Where stories live. Discover now