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Tracker Jackers? The deadly hornets that killed Glimmer but saved Katniss. I remember when the Careers spotted Katniss in the tree. She sat there for hours while we waited for her to starve or fall but when I saw the buzzing nest of the Tracker Jackers burst infront of me I knew she had been the one to let them drop. She must of thought I had turned against her! I hope she knows now that I will always be with her. Always.

I stand outside of Snow's office in the justice building of 11 while he discusses what to do with the crowds. I hear him decide on a public exacution of Rue's mother; her poor family will have to watch as the person who has loved them is taken away with one gun shot. 

I look around and regather my thoughts.

"I have to find Katniss" I whisper to myself as I begin to walk quickly but quietly through the corridors. It feels like I am walking in circles and I know I am right when I bump back into Haymitch.

"Finally! C'mon, we've been asked to leave the district now." He is glaring at me with his grey eyes piercing mine until I have to look away. 

"What about Katniss?" I blurt out without thinking. Haymitch puts his hands over his mouth as I'm about to speak again about what I heard Snow say.

"She got a small beating from the Peace Keepers just as you left" He watches as the anxiety flares up inside of me."She's fine! Now let's calmly walk back to the train" 

We walk through the building and along the deserted streets. Peace Keepers nod when we stroll past but a word is never spoken. When we get there I am hugged by Effie who chirps words into my ear but I have no interest in listening. My whole mind is set on what Snow said about the Tracker Jackers. 

That night, I go into my room to see Katniss is already there waiting for me. She has a robe on so I can't see her bruises from the beatings but her left eye is blood shot and rimmed purple with a hint of blue. She looks up to me but turns and bows her head when she reads my expression.

"I'm sorry I let this happen" I walk quickly and embrace her like I'll never let her go. 

"Don't be! I'm fine" I know she's lying so I give in to her words.

"I know, Katniss. I know" We lay in bed together and fall asleep but I hear her whisper 5 words before she lets her dreams take her away

"I'll be fine with you" She'll think I never heard them but I'll go to the grave remembering those 5 special words. 

In the early hours of the morning I am woken but the sound of the vases on the shelves shaking and clinking together. They shouldn't do that! Like Effie said that first day on the train You can hardly feel a thing.

 I sit up easily as Katniss has rolled off me during the night. The shaking becomes more noticable as the seconds go on until Katniss opens her eyes and sits right up. We look at each other but then turn to face the door as it suddenly slides open. 

Peace Keepers come running in with their heavy boots making the vases fall from the shelves and onto the floor in a crash. 

I grab Katniss hand an hold it tight while the Peace Keepers charge at us. We're are like fish in a barrel waiting to be shot but I refuse to loosen my grip of Katniss' hand. The Peace Keeper rip away at the covers on the bed and launch themselves at me and Katniss but we are have survived the arena and know how to fight back. 

I stick my foot out, as the Keeper tries to grab me, forcing them to stay away but I turn to see Katniss is try to fend of 3 at once. Why are they trying to get her away from me? She took a beating! Isn't that enough for Snow? 

Katniss claws at the Peace Keepers but they are protected by their uniforms. They quickly have their gloved hands gripped around her waste and arms. I am so desperate to get to her but the Keeper I'm trying to fend off pushes my foot and pulls my arms behind my back. I watch as the Peace Keepers attempt to drag her out of the room but she refuses until a needle is plunged into her arm so she is unconscious in a matter of seconds. 

She is slung over a Keepers shoulder like a doll and taken out of the room. I yell out to her but she is completely knocked out. 

Once they have hauled her down the train I am next to be dragged out the room. I pray that we are following the men carrying her but I am pulled into a room in the end of the cars. I am pushed into the room but before I can stand to escape the door is sealed. I thrust my fists against it but the heavy metal door refuses to budge. I turn and slide down the wall so I am sat on the cold floor. I glance up for a second but my eyes become fixed to what it infront of me. I stand and move towards a chair that is welded to the ground, there are straps all over the legs and arms of it. On each side of it stands a drip like the one the doctor gave me in Snow's office but this one isn't filled with water; it contains a yellow liquid that glows slightly. 

Suddenly, men in white walk in and take me by the arms. They walk me back over to the chair, push me down into it and secure the straps in place. I try and fight back but I feel weak and drowsy with fatigue so my attempts of escape fail. 

I watch them secure a drip of the yellow liquid into each of my hands but then they just walk out without a single word said. 

The yellow fluid runs through the long tube and into my hand. I wait for a minute but nothing happens. What so special about this yellow stuff? But before I can think of an answer I feel it begin to flow into my blood stream. 

The room goes dark and images of Katniss begin to flash on the wall but they aren't her! I stare at the pictures of her with guns in her hands, her forcing an arrow into someones head! 

A burning feeling shoots through my body but I can't remove the needles to stop it so I just scream out in pain. My hands start to shake uncontrollably as the agonizing pain starts the flames in my head that burn like scorching hot fire. 

I sit and stare, unable to scream, as the room begins to wobble. I watch the pictures of Katniss flash before me but they become to real like she's stood infront of me with a gun to my head. I watch as she starts a fire before me that sets the whole room alight.

"KATNISS YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US" I scream at but she just stares at me with an evil grin spreading on her face. Her eyes reflect the flaming red and yellow of the buring fire but she makes no attempt to stop it! 

"YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME KATNISS!" I scream. She wants to  kill me but why? 

"You burned my home so I will burn you!" She speaks clearly in a deep voice that is so unlike her.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" I wail at her but all I see is anger build up inside of her.

"You killed Gale and Primrose" She states but before I can deny anything I black out. I let the darkness slowly over take my body, my heart, my mind. Katniss is the enemy.


I hope you're enjoying Peeta's story so far! I'm sorry this is a short one but  I just want to thank all the readers who have been following along all this time even with all the spelling mistakes. I have a lot of ideas for what is to come but it's getting very exciting now and I am getting goose bumps writing about what Snow will do to Peeta! Thank you x 

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