A Rose in a Storm.

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I knew I'd end up back in the claws of the Capitol. I knew I'd meet Snow again. And I thought I'd lose my memories again.

"I'm not going to Hijack you." Snow's words shock me. "There's no point" I don't believe what I am hearing. I don't want to believe what I'm hearing. The terrible man ,that sits tall in his large chair, is showing mercy to the boy with the bread who kneels before him because he has no other option.

"I'm not doing it because I am a good man" Snow continues. "Hijacking just won't do for you, Mr Mellark. It won't work for Miss Everdeen."

"B-but I-" I stutter and shake at his feet.

"You see Mr Mellark, I have thought long and hard about what could break your darling Everdeen." He gets up and start to pace about the room with my eyes following him. "Even when you hated her soul she still stood tall" I allow myself to smile on behalf of Katniss' strength. I never realised how upset she must have been.

"It's not what you do to her that counts." He stops infront of me. "It's what I do to you"

That when I tune out. I let my mind leave the room behind. Snow can do all he wants to me. He was going to find a way to break my into pieces some day. Katniss doesn't love me enough to snap over my death. He is going to kill me. Well, I hope he is. I'm no use to him anymore.

The sound of Snow's fingers clicking makes me surface from my thoughts. Peace Keepers pull me out of his office and march me through his mansion. The floor is gleaming white with a slippery shine. The Peace Keeper walk with ease in their boots but I have been stripped of my boots and black clothes that the rebels provided. I now walk with bare feet on the marble floor. I wear all white so I blend in with the roses that lace the corridors of the grand house.

Light foot steps skip down the spiralling stairs.

"Peeta!" The small but excited voice chirps like a little bird. Snow's grand daughter runs over to me but the Peace Keepers stand in her way. "Excuse me" She squeezing inbetween the men without a second thought.

"Peeta!" She cries again with her small arms open for a hug. I do nothing. She looks so perfectly happy despite the mess that is around her. She's a rose in a storm.

She drops her arms when she's sees I don't want to pick her up but she holds her smile.

"I like your top!" She tugs on the thin fabric that is my t-shirt. "It looks the same as mine!" She twirls in her crisp white dress.

"It does" I whisper as the Peace Keepers wait impatiently. I know she is safe in Snow's hands. Even he wouldn't give up his grand daughter to avoid death. I like to think he wouldn't.

I begin to walk and let the Peace Keepers take my arms.

"Peeta, where are you going?" She calls after to me but she knows not to follow. She just yells as we walk futher away.

"I watched you on tv!" She cries after me until her voice is nothing but an echo. I hate that even the most innocent still watch the hunger and blood thirst that is the Games.

I am pushed up stair after stair until we reach the door to the roof.

"Don't forget to smile!" One of the Peace Keepers grimances at me. The door is swung open, revealing a loud cheer from below. I step out onto the roof and look down to see hundreds of faces peering up at me; calling my name. They're Capitol citizens so I am suprised to see them all wearing white. This really is the white side in a game of chess.

After a few moment of waving, the crowd is pushed out of the city centre and back into their homes until no one remains.

A Peace Keeper walks me to the door of the hover craft and knocks lightly. I take a few steps back when Talos opens it with a smile on his face.

Peeta Mellark- What is left?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu