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"Alissa, do you want to go first?"

"Um. Yeah."

I slowly got up and walked to the front. I could feel the eyes on me. I knew that I was going to trip or stumble over my words. I just knew it. I kept walking and guess what. I tripped. OVER NOTHING!!

Grayson rushed up there.

"Hey. It going to be okay. Just look at me if you have to."


I got up and got ready. The teacher put my presentation up on the board.

"H-hello, th-this is... um."

I can't do presentations because I have social anxiety. I hate it.

I what I was saying and looked at Grayson. He signaled for me to take a deep breath and start over.

"Hello, our teacher gave us and assignment on our lives. I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous. But I think you will enjoy it. Now without further ado let's get started."

I flipped to the first slide.

"This is my family when I was born. We have lived here for as long as I can remember. I was born on April 18 1999. I live with the most wonderful family I can think of. Yes I'm the only child but I live next to the 2 most amazing boys I know."

I flipped to the next slide.

"Ethan and Grayson Dolan. They have been with me since birth. Our families would do everything together. From picnics to camping. I couldn't ask for anyone better then those 2 goofs."

Next slide.

"When I was 6 my life wasn't so wonderful anymore. My parents got a divorce. I would tell you why but it's a little personal."

I scrolled past some photos of my mom and I.

"After my dad left we didn't know where he went. So my mom had to raise me all by myself. She did an amazing job. Going to school on top of a job and taking care of me."


"Last year my mom graduated. That was a stepping stone for the both of us."

I played a short video of her at her graduation.

"Now I'm going to flip forward a little. My dad has been out of my life since I was 6. I always thought that I did something to drive him away. So I would blame myself."


"Lately I have been getting a call from a number in Australia. I thought it was people asking for money. Eventually Grayson told me to pick up. When I picked up I heard a voice that I haven't heard in years. My father."

Next. This slide showed a blurry face with a question mark.

"When my dad called my it was a complete surprise. I know where he lives. And I don't know what he looks like."

I looked around at everyone.

"One day I hope to connect with my father. I hope that one day I can visit him in Australia. Thank you."

People clapped while I walked back to my seat. Grayson looked at me

"That was awful."
I covered my face.

"You did amazing."
H grabbed my hand.

"Thank you Alissa. That was wonderful."

The bell rang.

"Well class. That is all we have for today. All you all tomorrow."

Grayson and I walked out to the hallway.

"That was sweet."
Grayson looked at me.

"Yeah. It was."

Together we walked to the next class. We have a sub so we are basically doing nothing today.

"Gray. When are you doing your presentation?"
I was drawing again.

"Probably tomorrow."
He shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you really mean that?"
Grayson looked over at the wall.

I looked up from my drawing.

"That you could ask for anyone else then us 2 goofs?"
He chuckled a little.

"Yeah. I can't imagine my life without you guys."
I closed my book.


Just then the bell rang

*skipping to lunch*

We got our lunch and sat down. The whole cafeteria was buzzing about the game. It was so loud that you couldn't think.

The cheerleaders were cheering, football players ran in there, and of course the book readers kept to themselves.

One of the players got up to say something.


Everyone got quite

"This game is going to be legendary. Because we have a secret weapon. The Dolan duo. With them we can win this game and go undefeated!!"

Everyone was screaming and taking pictures. The team ran out of the cafeteria. They had to go to class so I ate by myself. I didn't mind. I need some time to myself. Not that I don't like hanging out with Gray but sometimes people need alone time. At least he would be in class waiting for me.

When I walked down the hall there was this crowd of kids with painted faces and weird wigs. My school gets into these games.

Walked back to class and there was Grayson waiting for me.

"What took you so long?"
He jumped off the counter.

"I took the long way."
I shrugged and walked to my seat.


We both sat down to start class.

*skipping class sorry*

Grayson and I walked home after school.

"Tomorrow dude. Are you excited?"
I punched his arm.

"Man i am."

"That's good. Oh my place for dinner?"
I pointed at him.


All we needed up doing was ordering pizza. Don't worry we saved some for my mom.

Hey sorry I haven't posted. Also I lost track of days so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense.

Best Friends Brother// G.D, E.Dحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن