Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As we fell down the chute underneath our cave, the first thing that crossed my mind was that it was a good thing we hadn't made a fire, or otherwise we would be burning.

The second thing that I thought of was how much landing was going to hurt.

The latter came true when I landed on top of Dwalin, and Kili and Bombur fell on top of me. I winced in pain, but it went away as soon as I heard the screeching.

We quickly rolled off each other in time to see goblins running at us, rusty weapons drawn.

We charged at them, unsheathing our own weapons as fast as we could, but it was too late. The goblins overtook is by sheer numbers; 15 against hundreds.

As they herded us forward, I felt someone grab the hem of my shirt and pull me down. I turned around to see Bilbo, his finger at his lips, motioning me to stay quiet. I obeyed, and soon enough all sign the dwarves and goblins were gone, except for the wiggling of the bridge.

Bilbo and I stood up and crept forward, and just as we were about to round the corner, a goblin jumped down from the ceiling and began ferociously attacking us. My hand went immediately to my back, searching for my bow, which surprisingly had not been broken.

I nocked an arrow and shot at the goblin, realizing at the last second I could hit Bilbo, but my aim was true and I hit the goblin in the leg.

It wailed in pain, but continued to fight, and it was all Bilbo could do to block and stay alive. I drew my sword and came to help, but the goblin tripped me, and as he hit Bilbo again we all went tumbling off the side of the cliff.

I woke with a sharp pain in my back, hidden in a pile of mushrooms. I saw the goblin laying in the open, his arms and legs splayed out. I didn't know where Bilbo was, but I didn't dare move.

Then, out of the shadows I saw the glint of eyes. A creature crept into view, a gangly, grey creature that moved on both arms and legs and wore only a loincloth.

"Yes, yes!" it muttered. Then it coughed, a horrible sound; "Gollum, gollum." The creature grabbed the goblin's feet and began dragging it away, but the goblin sprang to life and began attacking.

The creature snatched a rock off the ground and hit the goblin over the head until it came unconscious. Satisfied, it threw the rock away and continued dragging the goblin away.

"Nasty goblins," it muttered, and then it answered itself. "Better than old bones, precious, better than nothing." I frowned, trying to make sense of this unnatural creature.

After it disappeared back around the corner with the goblin, I made to get up, but Bilbo emerged from another patch of mushrooms, and something told me to stay put. I waited as Bilbo stood up and glanced the way the creature had come from. He drew his sword, which was glowing blue, but as he turns to follow the creature, he stops and stoops. He examines what he has just picked up, and in the dim light I see the gleam of gold and a circular shape. A ring.

Singing echoes in the distance, and Bilbo slides the ring into his pocket and follows the sound. After he too disappears around the corner, I stand up, unsheathing Kili's spare sword.

I look up, and see shallow light streaming from far above. We fell far, and there is no hope in climbing back up. I creep after Bilbo, staying in the shadows, until I come into a large cavern. I crouch behind a rock, and see Bilbo conversing with the creature, who looks like he wants to attack Bilbo.

"-want to play," Bilbo is saying, and the creature, Gollum, I hear Bilbo say, switches his expression so he looks excited. 'Split personality?' I wonder, watching as Bilbo challenges Gollum to a game of riddles.

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