Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

What seems like seconds later we are all loaded into boats; dressed in new garb and equipped with iron weapons. Bilbo has seemed glued to my side since we left the armory, and even now in the boats he sits beside me. I spoke to Bard between then and now, muttering that I did think he was right, and that Thorin was making a grave mistake making all those promises to Lake-Town. He accepted my apology, and I warned him to be ready for anything, especially a dragon.

Down the river we sailed, the people of Lake-Town playing a farewell song that really was terrible. I had declined new clothes, since I had my old hunting outfit and the dress I got from Thranduil, which I was wearing now.

The crowd cheered as we put the oars into the water and began paddling towards the mountain. The Master and his deputy waved, and the dwarves nodded and inclined their helmets. Bilbo was wearing this great helmet with a feather on top, and I teased him about looking like a bird, to which he only rolled his eyes.

It did not take long to reach the mountain, and before we knew it, we were standing on the Overlook, the very place Gandalf told us to wait for him.

"What is this place?" Bilbo asks as we look out over the ruined city.

"It was once the city of Dale, now, it is a ruin. The Desolation of Smaug," Balin says grimly.

"The sun will soon reach midday," Thorin says, glancing up at the sky. "We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way!"

"Wait," Bilbo says, stopping Thorin. "Is this the Overlook?"

"Gandalf said to meet him here," I put in. "On no account to enter the-"

"Do you see him," Thorin cuts in. "We have no time to wait upon the wizard. We're on our own. Come!"

The dwarves follow, but Bilbo and I stand for a moment, looking at each other. Something is not right.

"Do you see anything?" Thorin shouts as we search to and fro for the hidden door.

"Nothing!" Dwalin yells back.

I stand near the mountain hand in hand with Kili. We relish our time together now, since neither of us know which breath could be our last. But deep inside of me, something pushes Kili away. Something yearns for myself to break free and become the person I feel I should be. I haven't mentioned this thought to anyone yet, because the person I would start with is Gandalf, and he isn't here.

"If the map is true, the hidden door lies directly above us," Thorin says, looking from his map up the tall mountain.

"Up here!" Bilbo shouts from over near the mountain. We all run over and see a tall statue with stair-like engravings, and we hurry towards it, beginning the long climb up.

"You have keen eyes Master Baggins," Thorin grins.

Fili in front of me and Bilbo behind me, I try to keep from looking down as be near the top. Not because I'm afraid of heights, but because Kili, who is in front of Fili, has slipped twice before this, and I do not want to repeat the process of nearly falling off the mountain.

"Almost there!" Thorin shouts from the front of the group, and as soon as Kili looks up to listen, his foot slips and he's soon hanging on by just his fingertips. Fili braces himself and only gets pushed back, but the force is enough to send me tumbling backwards. Luckily, this time Fili grabs my waist tight and pulls be into him, and I wrap my arms around him, taking a deep breath. I feel Bilbo's hand on my foot and I glance down at him, reassuring that I'm fine.

"Up we get, princess," Fili says, winking at me.

"Princess? I scoff. "Since when did I become princess?"

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