Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Thorin calls us all to the Gate just after the sun has fully risen. The dwarves are dressed in their new armor and armed with an assorment of weapons; wearing helmets, chainmail, and shining breastplates, though Bofur still wears his awkward hat. I almost smile, but when I look sideways to tell Kili I remember he isn't there.

He's standing at the opposite end of the line, the fierce look on his face strained with an anger and sadness that I know I put there.

The army of Elves has moved from Dale to the open field before Erebor in the time between sunrise and now. Bard and Thranduil ride through the Elves, Bard on a white steed and Thranduil on his elk.

As soon as the two step onto the platform that usually leads across the bridge into Erebor, Thorin draws the bow he has been hiding and shoots an arrow at the ground near the elk's feet.

"I will put the next one between your eyes," he threatens, and the others cheer and wave their spears.

Thranduil gives us a look, and his whole army draws their bows and nocks arrows in-sync, all of them pointing at us. The Company shouts in fear and ducks below the ramparts, all except for Thorin, Bilbo, and myself. I know they won't shoot, and even if they did, they won't shoot me.

Thranduil holds up an arm and the army withdraws their bows, standing again at attention.

"We have come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered, and accepted," Thranduil says, stepping forward.

"What payment," Thorin asks, still holding up his bow. "We gave you nothing. You have nothing."

Thranduil glances at Bard, who reachs into an inside pocket of his coat and pulls out the gleaming Arkenstone.

"We have this," he says, holding it up for Thorin to see. His bow dips, and I can see the growing anger in his eyes.

"They have the Arkenstone," Kili growls. "Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the King!"

"And the King may have it," Bard says simply. "By our good will. But first, he must honor his word." He tucks the stone back away into his pocket.

Thorin shakes his head slightly.

"They are taking us for fools," he says quietly so only we can hear. "This is a ruse. A filthy lie." His voice grows louder. "The Arkenstone is in this Mountain! It is a trick!"

So we come to it. I knew this would happen. I step forward, prepared to take the blame, and see Bilbo doing the same.

"It's, it's no trick," we say at the same time. Bilbo continues on, "the stone is real. We gave it to them."

Thorin slowly turns and looks at us, hatred throbbing in the air around him.

"I'm not afraid of Thorin," Bilbo had said.

"Well, you should be." Gandalf replied.

And I was definitely leaning more towards the 'afraid' side right now.

"You," Thorin says harshly.

Bilbo scrambles with words for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and saying, "I took it as my fourteenth share."

"You would steal from me?" Thorin asks, his facial expression unwavering, still that look of unbelief and anger.

"Steal from you?" Bilbo says, nearly laughing. "No, I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one." When no one says anything, he looks around. "I'm willing to let it stand against my claim."

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