Ask Me Anything

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Mechanic: Hey guys. So while you wait for an update from our creator, who is busy at times due to school and shit, me and Dexter would figure we'd do a Q and A chapter. Just ask us anything you want and we'll answer it

Dexter: Rules are: No sexual questions like "Who would you wanna bang out of the girls?". Those will immediately be deleted. And please, nothing to do with our relationships. Unless they're honest questions like "What's it like being with Ann/Tails?". And finally, please address your question to either of us to avoid confusion. Thanks

Mechanic: Oh by the way, we're still stuck on a theme song for Dexter. Check out the chapter titled Theme Song to make suggestions.

Dexter: Yeah. They all fit so well, it's hard to choose just one. But we managed to find a theme song for the GOOTW.  Check it out

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