Chapter 1: Without a Look Back

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There she was. High above me intangled in the rusted bars of the bridge. The deep sky was dark and clouded as it wrapped its arms around her. The wind up crept over our skin, leaving behind chills. Rain threatened to pour above us as ominious clouds hovered.

I grabbed my light jacket and wrapped it around me as I look up at Charlie, shiving.

She was sobbing, crying and shaking her thick blonde waves


" I'm going to jump Melanie. Just leave me" She yells over the sound of the cars on the bridge.

I open my mouth to protest as I take another dangerous step toward the edge of the bridge.

"Just get down Charlie."

I look up at her tossled blonde waves violently moving in the wind.

She stares up at the sky and closes her eyes as she takes in deep, forced breaths.

She looked so different tonight, so broken , yet calm.

"Don't look down. Don't look down Mel"

I whisper to my self and climb up onto the cold metal of the bridge nervously. I begin to tremble as possible scenarios began flowing through my mind.

The bridge was old, made of metal and an angry river flowed beneath it. I knew the water was deep enough that if you fell in, you would'nt come back up. You would'nt survive if you fell in, maybe by the grace of God.

I tried to ignore the thumping deep in my chest, telling myself she wont jump. But there's always that possibility that she might not just be over reacting this time. she might mean it this time. This was something we did all the time. She gets pissed off. She doesn't tell me why. She comes here drunk and ready to jump. After a while I figured this was just a way she got over her emotions. This was just a way she survived.

She was always trying to end her life just because something stupid happened.

I continued climbing up with caution, periodically checking the sky for rain. I was shaking as I pulled my weight up. My fingers wrap around the rusted metal of the bridge.

Cars honked and people drove by yelling out the windows. "Get down from there!"

The strangers voices echoed in my ears once I reached the top. "We need to get down." I tell her, as she sways slowly.

The bridge was even more dangerous when it was wet.

"Charlie, Let's just go. "

Her head falls forward and she shakes it. I look down at the water, It was rushing quickly. The wind was picking up. It causes the water beneath us to flow with anger. Clashes of thunder rolls in the sky and the sky lights up with electricity.

The rain begins beating down on my back soaking It in seconds. I hear the loud roars of the rain on the pavement. It became harder to hold on the the metal bars. I tighten my grip and panic wraps itself around my heart. The bars were rusted and wet.

We could fall at any moment if we did'nt get down.

The metal frame of the bridge was only thing seprating Charlie and I from the water. It was the only thing separating us from death.

"Charlie please! "

I plea to her like I always do. She knew I would stay there all night till I convince her not to jump. Till I onvince her shes okay. She shakes her head and screams out that she has too.

I took a few staggering steps toward her.

"Don't look down Mel. Don't look down." I whisper to myself.

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