Chapter 9 : Under the Moon Light

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A nice chapter for you guys. c:

Unedited ;)

The sun was setting deep in the horizon.

A soft firery orange blazed across the darkening sky.

Stars peeked from under the bumblegum clouds. The cool night air swirled around picking up dust off the road. A long winding road led Dawn and I to the next town over where we would stay for the night . I stick my head out of Dawn's satin cream rag top caddie and close my eyes, feeling the cool evening air kiss my face.

"Get your head back in the vehicle Bunny, someone lonesome bikers gonna ride by and snatch it off."

Dawn says to me and laughs at herself. I laugh with her and we continue to joke about whether or not that is an actual possibility.

I hear her exhale another cloud of smoke and the car fills with a lingering cherry scent.

"Is that cherry ? "

"Yes ma'am " Dawn says and fluffs her thick blonde waves before adjusting the cigerette in between her cherry red lips.

I began thinking about what happened a few nights ago in the ally. I remembered the way Harry's cigerette had smelled. I remembered the way I felt watching him fight for me. I thought about the way he brought the cigerette to his soft pink lips. I remembered the way he made me smile that night . My heart ached to hear his voice. I had not realize the growing affection I developed for him till I was gone. Till I was too far away from him. The thought of him feeling the same way haunted me the last few days. I almost wanted to just go back and crush my lips to his, hoping me he wrap his arms around me.

But Still, I couldn't fully trust him.

I open my eyes again and gaze out at the rows of trees covering the outskirts of New York.

"You thinking bout that curly headed boy ? " Dawn asks me playfully pushing me.

I smile and shake my head. She just always knew what I was thinking.

I could easily say this woman was my best friend. She was like my mother. I cared about her a lot and I knew she would do anything for me. I remembered when Charlie died, how she would come over to my house. Even when my witch of a Mother hated her every fiber. She would watch stupid chick flicks with me and talk to me about the secrets of the world. Dawn is a very wise woman. She had every bit of respect in me.

I thought about how I met Dawn.

Charlie and I has snuck into a bar outside of town. We thought we were so cool. We thought we were, even though we were only about 15. We only has a pack of cuffs and some hey black wrote liner. Charlie was wild. She was easily considered a 10 and she looked yas if she was turning 20 this summer. Dawn was in the bar watching us. I remembered telling Charlie she was a lesbian and wanted us. We laughed hard at that and Dawn got up off her bar stool. I remembered how confident Dawn was. People turned to gaze at her when she swaggered over to us.

I remember her asking us.

"Now, what is two little beauties like you doing in this disgusting place ?"

Charlie and I were so awestrucken that a woman like her would even speak to us. She was everything we

wanted to be at the time. I remember finally answering her.

"We're here to have a good time "

Dawn gives us a wink and rests her hand on both of our shoulders. Dawn ended up taking us back home that night, telling us we would get snatched up, being in places we shouldn't have been in.

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