Chapter 6: He Can't be Serious

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Hey everyone,

Here is a quick update for you all..

:) Let us see how this goes ;)

Ciaoo-Minaa ♡♡♡♡

Chapter 6: He Can't be Serious

I spend the rest of my night thinking. Thinking about stuff I should'nt have. Thinking about stuff I have not yet come to terms with.

I think about Charlie, and what I now thought of myself. I wondered where she conjured the courage to just jump. Why did she do it ?

Why did she have to leave me here. With jo explanation.

No reasons.

I think about Harry and how I would see him tommarow and of how I would apologise.

Or was I even wrong ?

Maybe he should apologise.

Maybe I should just get over it.

I lay there in my bed for a while more staring up at the ceiling , trying to make sense of all the thoughts rumbling in my head. I start to think of old memories and I fight off waves nostalgia that threaten to swallow me whole. I could'nt keep doing this. I could'nt keep not sleeping and barely eating. I knew I needed to change, but I had a problem.

I did'nt want too.

I wanted to drink away every thought of my mistakes. I wanted to exhale every regret. I wanted to find people that made me forget about what a horrible person I am...

I knew I was hurting myself. I knew I was hurting people I say I love.

But maybe this is what I deserved.

I drift off into a deep sleep with those kind of thoughts in my head.


The next morning I wake up to the sun peaking through my blinds. My light was on and soft morning breeze crept through my room.

I rub my eyes, confused and tired still.

"Wake up Melanie. " I hear my Uncle's voice say. I suddenly open my eyes and spring up panicked.

What was he doing in my room ?

"What the hell are you doing Ted ? " I angrilly ask him.

He opens my curtains further letting the morning sun in. The light hurt my eyes. I was hungover and not ready to get up. My head throbbed and I start to feel sick.

I cover my face with my pillow.

"No ! I'm not going ! Just get out !" I lift up my head and said to him.

"Get up, You have school and your breakfast is going to get cold if you dont jump in the shower. " He explains, trying to sound convincing.

But I was not convinced.

"Im not going ! "

I pull my covers over me. I hear Ted sigh and relief flushes over me. My eyelids felt heavier and I knew I would fall asleep soon. My room became quiet. I sigh happily, knowing I won.

" Oh, Melanie !" My Uncle Ted yells from the hallway.

"Jesus Ted, What ? "

I hear his footsteps approach me and within seconds I was completely covered in cold water.

"What the hell Ted ? "

I shout and spring up from my bed.

"you have 30 minutes. " He calmly says, setting the now empty bucket next to my bed.

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