Chapter 4: A Small Diner and a Small Smile

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Heyy Readers,

Here is a nice, fairly long update for you guys ! :D Tell me what you guys think..

Chapter 4

After a while Harry pulls me up to help me off the bridge. His hand lingers on my waist as he let me down. I started off away from him trying to fight the relief that flooded over me when he pulled me up.

"You should'nt have helped me."I whisper to him.

I knew it was lie, but it was none of his business. I did'nt need him coming around saving me. He grabs my wrist softly and turns my body to face him. I look up at his perfect jaw line, his emerald green eyes and his pale pink lips. I had to admit. He was gorgeous. He smiles at me and his eyes travel my face. I felt my insides explode with butterflies. I knew I was blushing.

" Why not ? I like being your super hero "He says and smirks flirtatiously at me.

"I don't need you. I don't this. It is just stupid. I wanted to jump."I say back to him.

" Melanie, Why would you wanna kill your self ? " Harry asks softly. He was looking straight into my eyes, once again flooding me with butterflies. I move away from him a bit and stand up straighter to speak.

"Listen dude, you don't even know me. I don't always need you here having to save me. I don't even know you for Christ's sake! I don't need you to fight my battles for me. I dont need that, or any of this. " I explained with my words coated with a venom that I regretted as soon as they were spoken. I shrug myself off of him.

"Look here, I saved your damn life. " He said in his deep, raspy, accented voice. He stares at me once more with a flash of anger in his eyes. He then turns away from me.

I suddenly start to feel guilty. I know he only meant good. I watched him as hs started to disappear into the hovering fog.

"Hey !"I called after him He turns around on his heels to face me.

"Yeah ?" He said and put his hands in his front pockets.

"Do you want to get a smoothie or something?" I say to him. I look down at the ground awaiting hopefully for his reply. This was the most ridiculous thing I could ask him. He most likely wanted nothing to do with me at this point but something made me feel like asking him.

"Are you sure love ? A moment ago you wanted me gone. Now you wanna take this handsome devil out for a smoothie ?"

A very sexy yet flirtatious smile spreads across his dimpled cheeks. He averts my eyes and looked out at the bridge.

"Uh yeah, Or we could, smoke a joint? Get some booze?.. "I suggested, realizing that I was sober.

He threw his head back and laughed. "Nah a smoothie sounds nice"

Good, I couldn't handle being out of control around him.

His laugh was perfect. He smiles at me again and walked towards me.

" You sure are funny. " He grabs my hand.

The butterflies return and I look down at us.

Who is this guy ?

I look up at him and the sound of the cars suddenly dim and for a moment I wanted to know everything about him.

"Who are you ?" I asked him, as if he could tell me with just one word. As if he had the answer to everything in a simple and limited word.

" I'm Harry" he said and gives me another smile with his pearly white teeth. I smile back at him and we continue walking. He lets go of my hand after we reach the diner not far from the bridge.

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