Chapter 10 : Back to School

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Hiii readers :)

I just wanted to thank all of you SOOOOOOO MUCH!

A thousand reads in the past month!!!!! This is crazy !

I plan to update again once I reach 1,500 reads.

This chapter is unedited , I just wanted to giveyou huys something ! :)

So pleaseeee share, comment, vote and read :)

Allsooooo. I would like to shout out a couple very amazing writers !

1) Marikalashay "Walnut Street"

It is a fictional tale, based on very true events. She is an amazing writer and has some interesting stories to tell.She has the gift of creating and expresses chracters. She is a very talented and beautiful woman ! Check her story out ! It's crazy.. haha.

Check her out.!

2) Bren_Wate "Dust"

He is a very funny and sweet guy ! He is an amazing writer who you guys should all check outttt

His writing is very beautiful and will leave you wanting more !

3) Anree_rose

He is a very talented writer and a wonderful supporter to my stories ! He has the gift of words and will definitly inspire anyone who reads his works.

He is also super eloquent and very nice.

check him outtttttt

His story is called "Talto "

Thank you all so muchh ♡♡♡♡

~~~Chapter 10:Back to school~~~

Time seemed to just flow by after Harry convinced me to go back home. We snuck out at night when Dawn was in a deep sleep at her cabin. I left her a note telling her I'd call her and explain everything. I was happy about how things went with Dawn and Harry. Dawn loved Harry. Harry had no problems with Dawn. What more could I ask for?

When I returned my mother was gone. Left nothing behind but a letter, which I burned and her wretched lingering Chanel.

I did'nt think she deserved my time of day.

I did'nt want to read her narcissistic, shallow words.

I did'nt care for what she had to say.

My uncle Ted left me alone when I returned. He did'nt even try force me to back to school, and it has been 3 days already. I mentally thamked him for that. I definitly needed time to get everything together before going back.

He just let me hide in my room, untill I was ready to come out.

"Melanie ! Come eat ! " Ted yells through my door. I open my eyes. My room was dark, as always. I was lost in my comforter. Blankets covered me. My ipod played music softly in my ears. I take the buds out and sit up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes a bit and reached over to turn on the light from the lamp on my night stand.

"I'm Coming Ted."

"Good " He says softly. I hear his foot steps slowly fade away toward the kitchen and a soft warmness grows in me.

I made up my mind that I would talk to him tonight while his son was at basketball pratice. I knew he did'nt deserve me abandoning him, or me just treating him like crap all the time.

I loved my Uncle Ted.

He is and always will be the only one I have inevitablely. He took me in and I knew I owed him for it.

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