Chapter 4

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"I really wish you'd stop tapping on the table. Whatever the studio executives have to say will be fine."

We're at a table read for our next episode, Zachary Levi the executive producer unceremoniously announced the Rodney Lane Director of Creative Contents and his entourage are coming for a tour of the set.  My focus is shot and has been since the heroes and heroines convention last week. 

"Let's get this scene down."  I flip to page five o in my script and start reading. I put on my other self.  Lucas Torretto amnesiac government agent on the hit show Identity.

I feel the tension slowly leave my body as I settle into the scene.

The door opens midway through the final act. I ignore the intrusion focusing on the character and emotion he's feeling finally putting this case to rest and unlocking another clue to his past.  The script calls for the scene to end in a bar.  I affect a posture like I'm hunched over nursing a drink.  "There's answers out there for you too Luke. I'll do whatever I can to help you find them."

We all start clapping when Jesse finishes his last line. "Amazing guys.  That was positively amazing."  I swivel in my chair to see Rodney strolling across the floor like he owns the place.  Introductions are made and we all head out to give him the nickel tour.  For the second time in as many weeks I come face to face with my former friend.  She's speaking into her phone trying to blend into the background and failing miserably.  Those legs and ass kinda' hard to miss.  She sees me and true to form makes a beeline for freedom.  Today she's dressed in a power suit wielding a clipboard with a pen tucked behind her ear. Rodney signals to her, she gives a quick nod, ends her call and joins the group.  I watch as she stands to his left jotting notes.

I take in her clothes and stiff demeanor seeing no trace of the woman I used to know.  Her eyes are staring back at me a frown crossing her brow before she schools her expression back to bored indifference.  

Rodney breaks the silence. "These are my guests.  Here for a tour and maybe we can watch a little taping if there's time?"

Malia on set for the next few hours?  I let my eyes travel back down her toned legs.  With those heels? 

"Sorry I'm late, shall we get started?"  The new arrival draped in a Hugo boss three -piece suit, his hair closely tapered, walks right up to Rodney offering a hardy handshake and smiles at Malia.  His hand rests on her lower back as the group walks toward the set.

My mind says head to my trailer. My feet carry me in the opposite direction.  Fixated on that hand and her back.

"Leave it alone man. It's better not to rock that boat."  Jesse appears out of nowhere hand out halting my forward movement.  I wait for the group to turn the corner before speaking.

"What do you mean?"  . 

"From everything you've told me about this girl I don't think following her around set drawing attention is going to get you in her good graces."

"Who said I want to be in her good graces?  She ditched me.  If anyone should be trying to make amends it's her."

"Well that's settled then."  I look at him like he's a moron.  Nothing's been settled, but we're already outside my trailer, which was probably the point.  "Meet you on the mats in thirty?"  He reminds me of our scheduled workout.

"Looking forward to it."

Two hours later I've left all my emotions in a pile of water on the gym floor.  Only thing I want is a hot shower, dinner, and a cold beer.  Not necessarily in that order.  Too bad I have a meeting with my publicist to go over next weeks interview schedule. 

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