Chapter 16

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There's such a thing as too helpful. I've told Gail this multiple times over the years but my admonishment continues to fall on deaf ears.
Exhibit A. The security cameras caught Vaughan exiting the elevator on the 25th floor. He could have been anyone and the guards on duty treated as such until the activity in the reception area ticked up by thirty percent. The increased traffic put Sam on high alert. He intercepted a couple of phone calls and warned Gail there might be a problem when one of them mentioned Ryan by name. Most of the employees were in mandatory training which is the only reason they were able to keep it quiet for so long.

Gail thinks she thwarted their plans to draw straws for who would proposition him first. I don't know why she thinks that information is relevant.

"What's next?" Between the office and airport we've finished edits on two different proposals. She hands me the phone.

"You have a telecon in three minutes."

I scroll through my calendar. I don't remember seeing anything on the schedule, but is not uncommon that Gail will add a last minute meeting if negotiations warrant it.

"Ok. Who with." She hands me the phone

"Your husband." I try to pass the phone back but she refuses to take it.

"Don't call him that."

"Just because you have buyers remorse doesn't change the facts."

Besides Elena, Gail is the only other person outside the family who has the guts to say something like that to me.

"I'm not sure the circumstances behind our union allows for that term to be used."

"I think the vowels trump the circumstances. But since I know the word makes you itch. I'll call him Ryan. Or Mr. Vaughan." She looks at me. Or is he going by Jax? Or Vaughan-Jax? Ellington-Vaughan?" I give her my best 'we are not amused' look.

"No hurray. You guys can decide later and I'll get a new set of cards made."

"How did he react to the first set?"

"If I were playing odds in Vegas. I'd say he's going to either cut them up or put them in a safe, or drawer, never to be seen again."

If I were playing the odds. I'd wager the same.

"Our dinner reservations with the Moriarty's confirmed?"

"Yes. The car will take you straight to the restaurant from the airport."

Tonight's trip kicks off three days of intense negotiations with a less than enthusiastic seller and I'm hoping dinner will grease the wheels. The abandoned 100 acre development in Walla Walla is just what I'm looking for to start a boutique winery.  The family that owns the land imagined a multi use housing and commercial development but when the housing bubble burst and the lending rules changed, they had to scrap their plans.  Now they're stuck with what some would call a useless plot of land-no one wants to pay the money to overhaul the irrigation system, so they can build on it- in a community that's returning to their love of agriculture. 

The ph level of the soil would be perfect for grapes, and there's enough real estate to have a tasting room and build a bed and breakfast.  It's a time consuming project.  The sooner they say yes, the sooner I can get started.  But they're holding out for something bigger.  They want to retain land ownership and lease the acreage and I want it all.  On this deal there can be no compromise on that.

Gail dials the number and hands me the cordless phone.  I'm not in the proper headspace to make nice on the phone but she'll keep dialing until I talk to him.  She's tenacious in a pit bull sort of way. A trait that usually has me saying she deserves a raise.  Today.  Not so much.

Ryan picks up on the fourth ring.  Which doesn't give me any time to actually think about what I'm going to say. My first question sounds ridiculous.

"Did you have any trouble getting out of the building?"

"No.  Gail made sure someone from Security was around to smuggle me down the executive elevator."

"Gail's very thorough."

My next question is just as impersonal. "How's your business in New York?"

"What business?"

I look at Gail.  I know I didn't misunderstand the explanation given for why he showed up unannounced at the office.

"The business that prompted your visit to the city."

"Oh. That. Plans fell through."

"I hate it when that happens.  Any chance you can squeeze it in before you head back to Vancouver?"

"You were the business I needed to take care of while I was here.   Unless you're on a return flight right now, squeezing our confrontation in before I fly back is out of the question."

"Well that's an aggressive word choice.   Confrontation.  What are you confronting me about?"

"We can start with you not retuning any of my calls and segue to the fact that I think you're actively avoiding me."

Gail has moved to the front of the cabin to give me some privacy. 

"If I were blowing you off, you'd know it."

"There are so many ways I can take that statement.  But I don't think you mean it in the fun and sexy kind of way do you?"

"You know I don't."

"Well.  If you're not blowing me.  Off.  What are you doing?"

"Working on a really important deal that's time sensitive."

"Well. I don't want to get in the middle of your work. But when do you think I'll be able to get some of your time?"

I don't have an answer for him, part of it is because I'm so caught up in this deal, the other because I'm uncomfortable about the amount of time I'm obligated to spend with him.  "Can I get back to you with that info?"

"Yeah.  Of course you can, and you can give me an answer on Sunday when I see you."

"I'm not seeing you on Sunday."

"Sure you are.  Check your calendar. You'll see we have an appointment.  I've confirmed and responded to the cute little evite and everything."

"Speaking of calendars. I need to go over these numbers again. I'll talk to you later?"

"Have a Greer meeting."

I pull up my calendar on my laptop.  He's right.  We're having Linner.  (Lunch and dinner).  Did I say Gail might need a raise?  Fired.  I meant she needs to be fired.

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