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I stroll through the halls of West Cambridge High - the name may sound prestigious, but its really not-, passing by a few familiar faces and constantly bumping into them with my rock packed bag. I wasn't popular but I also wasn't what you would call a 'loner'. I had quite the bunch actually. A redhead, the bad ass, the gay best friend, and the nerd. I'm sort of the quite one in the group.

Although we are all together most of the time, we have different peer groups, we don’t belong in the same social circle. – Well… I know I don’t. In our school the students are divided in different peer groups: all girls, all boys, geeks, and 'too cool for school' friends. I belong in none of them.

An outcast.

Sure, I sometimes I would socialize with them, but I don’t actually have real ones. In our group, I'm just an extra. Sometimes I would just tag along because I don’t want to look like a loner.

We got to Mr. Borris' class - more like Mr. Boring- and sat on our arranged seats while he makes a long introduction about the Asian history. Though I probably dozed off in some parts of the discussion, I rarely sleep in class, usually I had my back straight, head up and eyes glued to the board. I obviously didn’t have my game face on today, because I woke up with my face connected on the thick rough and now slightly wet page of my history book. I tilt my head up just to see the gang smiling at me and it looked like they were holding in a laugh.

“How long?" I asked, a yawn slipping as I gathered up my things.

"Ten minutes." Oliver said. Okay that wasn’t so long, I probably knocked out at the last ten minutes of class.

"C'mon lunch is starting." Jasper says as they got out of the room, I followed close behind.

We found a spot that would fit all of us, sometimes it is just them and I would stand at the side of the table, but I didn’t really mind. One of them would give up their place but I would decline, I was told to be a person with pride and tell them to sit down or that I'm fine. Hanz the middle aged man working in cafeteria would get me a seat, a plastic stool whenever I did, so it’s not that bad.

"Whose brown bagging today?" Trish ask. I placed the bag n the table consist of the chicken salad that I made this morning after my jog. I'm used to being the only one that does this and it doesn’t bother me that much, plus it’s a lot better than buying when you’re paying for a few things, like the bills. But from time to time I would also fall in line for lunch.

We waited for all us to be seated before eating and small talks were made. I would join the conversation even without understanding much on what really the topic is.

In the end of lunch, we parted ways then got to our classes. I had Psych with Dylan, we silently walked side by side.

Just after a normal and boring day at school, I got to my favorite part of the day.

Greeting Tony Mayer, owner of 'Photosynctesis' also known as my workplace after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tony is amazing. A-M-A-Z-ING. He has been to Americas Next Top Model a few times, he even got a picture with Tyra Banks as proof.

I handed him the printed photos of models wearing the clothing line we were called for, I was over joyed when he told me that I would be doing the photoshoot for those models.

“You never fail me, Aiden. Keep it up and I'll give you a bigger deal next time." He pats me on the shoulder as goes to his office.


Tony has a collection starting from the vintage Polaroid to the modern one, we now call 'Instax'.

If you’re asking, he is twenty three with a beautiful French girl, Corrine.

Corrine Summers is French, her tanned tall slender figure was a perfect career for her.  Tony had a photoshoot and Corrine was one of his new models, -so you probably know where I’m going with this but I'll tell you anyways- and since she was new, Corrine was really nervous as she shook in her heels. When it was her turn Tony was ready to shoot, but he didn't. Corrine's smile looked more like a grimace.

She wasn't really in to modeling, well she did when she was little - c'mon honestly most girls liked modeling and fashion when they were young-. Her mom would tease her how she took her time posing on each step of the stairs whenever they went out. But she wanted to be an artist now. When her mom taught she was in the right age and ready she immediately signed Corrine up when she heard about the casting in their town. Corrine obviously lost the argument. The disadvantages of having a mother as a lawyer.

She even got scolded for waking up late and something about 'losing her childhood dream'.

" That’s the key word ma, childhood dream." She grunted.

“Don’t sass me young lady." her mother said pointedly.

Here she is now at 8:30 am in a photo shoot in six inch heels.

He puts down the camera and approached her with a serious face, " O kak." She swore in French.

Tony looks her in the eye, puts his hands on both sides of her shoulders. "Relax." he whispered. Something about his voice did make her at ease. He smiled when he didn't feel the tension on his palms. The rest of the day went well Corrine even threw some wacky faces that Tony absolutely loved. In the end of the day Tony went for it knowing he couldn’t -wouldn’t  leave Paris without this girl and ask her out which she and her mother were giggling about. While her dad shook his head, girls.

“Don’t think so deeply." a deep voice flashes her back to reality.

Expecting to see Tony or staff members but instead saw an unfamiliar but attractive curly haired boy appear in the doorway. His skin tone was so light that it would have put Snowwhite to shame. His bluegreen eyes are absolutely stunning that I would have asked if it was contacts.

"This an authorized room only, if youre lost the classrooms ar-"

I stopped mid- sentence when he was shaking his head.

“I’m not in any classes and I think youre the lost one." he says.

"Lost in thought, you mean." I chuckled lightly.

"Yeah that and I think you are literally lost."

"Why is that?" I ask.

Now this boy is grinning.

"Because youre sitting on a bucket in the janitor's closet." he points out.

Confused, I looked at my surroundings and he was right. I sat on a yellow plastic bucket, a mop leaning against the white wall, and disinfectant sprays.

How the coppers did I get here?

The stranger extended a hand that I gladly took.

I was probably daydream- walking, yeah something like that.

I couldn't look at him at I was still flushed from being found in a janitor's closet. I want to go back there and lock myself.

He didn’t tease me about it but obviously an amused grin clearly placed on his lips.

He still held my hand even when we were already out of the building. I guess I won't be working today. Awkwardly trying to remove my hand but his grip just tightens.

"Uh you can let me go?"

"Never." he whispered, smiling at me. Not amused or creepy but just a simple smile.

A/N: Ola!  I made a few changes and hopefully my editing is So sorry for any confusion 

PM me if there are any questions or just for a chat :)) please vote and comment and all that jazz 


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