Author's Annoucement

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Merry Christmas to everyone!

Okay so if you go back to the 'Prologue' and read the author's note below, I promised-yes promised- to not delete it this time no matter how bad it is, but I'm sorry but I'll have to change it. I'm not going to delete it as promised so Im not really breaking the promise, though I'm going to bend it. I will be making a new and improved version of She will be loved but it will be updated once I've finished the book or atleast know where Im going with it, though Im counting on the first option, so for now we'll stop in Chapter 8, will Elliot really do it? why did Lucy say Aiden was struggling, she seems like an independent girl, right? ...but not in everything, so wait and see on the new She will be loved. So sorry again, I couldnt stand it, I new even a little that I had the potential of a good writer, sorrry but you'll thank me one day haha specifically the day when I release the re-re-rewritten She will be loved. Big shout out to those that have supported me, you know who you are. 200 reads wow thanks a big thing for me and comments and votes, Even added to a reading list, and what makes it better thank you alot like super duper extrafragaliciousexpialidocious! I have even chatted with some of those amazing people that I became close friends with. Please continue the votes and comments even though its being temporarily discontiniued. From the bottom of my heart to the sole of my feet, I Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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