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It was like I was in a scene of the movie Warm Bodies, people around me looking so slow and depressed. their sad vibe was ruining my chirpy one. Even the grocery itself was a downer. I mean, the white dusty tiles, slow service, slow people, Clint the janitor was slacking off again - usually I'd laugh at him because whenever he wakes up he thinks he's in a new world,but now its just..boring-, the fogged windows due to the little rain and has thankfully stopped. To add up to it, Macy's chewing so damn loud over next counter.

Before my smile could turn upside down.

My little sunshine came into the automatic doors, wearing a t-shirt with her hair in messy bun and jeans with black Converse and for the first time she wasn't wearing any make up. I just wish she was always like this. Simple. But beautiful.

I saw her disappear through the aisles then after ten minutes she came back with a basket full of chips, butterscotch ice cream, pads, and sour patches. She surprises me by putting her basket on my counter, I turned to look at Macy's counter and inwardly gagged, she was batting her eyelashes at the guy who could any care less.

I smiled politely at her and carried on with punching in her items on the cash register when I scanned the pads, I couldn't help but say, " its that time of the month, huh?" I joked. I was expecting her to lash out or a dark glare atleast but she was actually smiling and rolled her eyes at me.

"Oh shut it." She fake glared.

Ah mood swings.

" Okay don't push it."

"Sorry." I muttered, I cant believe I said that out loud!

She hands me a her credit card and I take this as a chance to know her name. Aiden Gertrude Curtis. Aiden.

She struggles with the paper bags, so the gentleman I am, I offered to help.

"Here let me help." I stretched my arms to take the groceries from her but she just shook her head.

"I insist, really." I tried again.

"No thanks." she says, continued walking.

"Please." following her out the parking lot.

"Seriously, Im good. Why do you want to help me so much?" She laughed a little but the uncomfortable kind she was clearly getting annoyed.

"Aiden, you have more baggage than any other normal teen can go through." I was really hoping she would get the message.

"Seriously its just a bags of food. What are you even talking about?"

Message failed.

I sighed, " Im talking about you."

"Do I know you? Im perfectly fine I don't need whatever help your implying." she stalks off, but what I said made her stop on her tracks.

" So following your friends around like a butler is fine with you?"

"Who do you think you are?" her eyes narrowing at me.

"Im Elliot Evans. And I think I can change your life." I stated with a confident grin.

She scoffs, " yeah, good luck with that." then she walks to her pick-up truck and sped off.

I think I'll take that as a yes.

A/N: Not edited, haha I think Ive slacking of on Editing, don't you think? I'll do them when I have time. Tell me what you think of this chapter and vote if you like it :]]


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