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I turn, that's when I see him.

I was having mixed emotions right now, confused and curious at why he's here, anger because he is here.

"What are you doing here -specifically my house?" I said it more like a statement than a question.

"Is that the way you greet me- specifically your father you haven't seen in a long time." He said smirking, mocking me.

I shook my head, "no, I've seen you I just chose to ignore you." I placed a smirk myself. That was probably what I got from him, actually I got most of my features from him, even the big belly. "How did you get in anyways?"

"It was open. Honey, as a concerned father please lock the door a-" I cut him off, "Okay get out and I'll lock out it, and since when were you a concerned father." I said bitterly, again the last part was a statement.

Dad sighs rubbing his bearded chin, he looks older and actually looks taller with about his belly, wrinkled tired eyes. I won't admit to him, especially not now. "Gertrude I-"

"Only grandma can call me that."

He nods, "Peach I-"

I grew angrier at the sound of the nickname. "You can't call me that now, I'm not your little princess anymore!"

I ran for the door past him, I can feel the water-like tears pooling my eyes that always creates a drive thru to my real self. Coming close to a near park, I went to the mini playground, usual scenes like this when the character from a cliché book or an actor from a sappy romantic movie is sad he or she would sit on the swing and have an emotional breakdown. But I pass by the swings, went for the monkey bars climbed it, I laid on top of it, closing my eyes, the wind blowing up my t-shirt. Inhaling deeply to calm myself down, and to bring the tears back in there.

"You know, its my first to see someone run out of their house crying then end up on the monkey bars." I didn't need to look who it was,

"yeah, well there's first for everything." I reply, eyes still closed.

Elliot laughs awkwardly then it was silent for a while, I hear his shuffling feet cracking the fallen leaves. I placed my right arm under my head for support as the other lay flat on my stomach, my legs are swinging since I'm clearly too big -or too long- for the monkey bars. I turn my head to face Elliot, who was in lost in thought, eyebrows furrowed as if to say or not to say something.

"Don't think so deeply."

I said the same words he once told me when he found me in a closet deep in thought, as he is now. I didn't know the name then but I remember the face and it was definitely this guy. I also know, because a look of recognition was shown on his face when he lifted his a head staring back at me in shock, as that short phrase reached his earshot. I gave a small smile, which he return shortly after.

"Uh, I don't mean to be nosy but...I mean if you're okay with it..." He quickly adds, "you don't have to answer it!"

To lift up the mood a bit I fake an all serious face, "Okay I won't answer it," I said as I sat up from the monkey bars, Elliot didn't say anything but I can see that he was disappointed a little, turning my body to the side to face to him, then I swing my left leg to get his attention and away from his shoes, "hey I'm kidding. Just spit it out already."

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

"I mean what happened there," he points to the direction I came from, I looked around it was wasnt that late, yet its so dark outside. Looking up at the gitters spread over the dark cloth above, I thought, should I really tell this guy about personal things like this? I asked myself. He doesnt look like those gossip kind of people nor does he look like a blabbermouth. Its like he has anyone to tell,right. Sighing, I looked back a Elliot, saying:

"Can we eat?" a mixture of suprise and confusion was his reaction to what I just said.

If I didn't just met this guy, Elliot. I would have said he looked a little adorable when he looked so innocent and did not know what to do, his mouth formed in a small 'o', eyebrows rose while his eyes were big.


I laughed a bit, I don't blame him, if were him I'd probably have the same reaction and surely most people would too if someone was asking them a serious question then you reply with 'can we eat'. Turning my body fully to jump down the monkey bars, " I meant can we talk somewhere else and... I am sort of kind -ish hungry." I explain.

Hungry? Don't I just have the perfect feelings for the right time.

He smiled and quickly nodded.

We made small talks on the way to Tea cups, a small milk tea place with the best pastries too, especially the cheesecakes.

I end up telling him more than I should, which was suppose to be just the runaway part. We're not immediately BFFs.

I told how I got my helpful trait from because she loves doing community service a lot like, during Christmas we do soup kitchen. During calamities its packing relief goods and other volunteer work. I did all those things with her. Dad said mom was too busy doing community service she lacked time for her family making mom guilty and told her to find a real job. So she did stop her volunteer work. I missed few school stuff while I was helping mom, so we both got back on track. A few weeks after, mom found out that dad told her to quit because he needed more money to provide the needs of both of his family, us and his second children. Mom stayed in her job but went to help people from time to time bringing me with her. Jack and Finn comes along too but there not much in to it as I am.

"You have the biggest heart I have ever met." he said with a warm smile.

I just had to ruin the moment by saying, " as big as me?" I joked.

He frowned, so I poked his arm, " I'm kidding."

He gives a tight lipped smile.

We returned to our conversation of random things.

My dad that suddenly barging into his house and other stuff that comes into our minds.

Elliot is originally from New York, I flooded him with a bunch of questions about the place or how's like there. He answered every question he could remember that I asked. He moved here because his mom is a fashion designer and wanted to expand her business here in Illinois.

"When we were about to leave for New York I asked her if I can stay here because I've already made some friends tha-"

I cut him off, " well aren't you a social butterfly."

He rolled his eyes, " friends that I wanted play with, of course my mom was reluctant to leave her only child in a different state, mom talked to the guardian of Jeremy, the boy I became best friends with. Gave her a job as a manager of the branch mom came her for,to provide enough for us-"

"Sorry, us?"

"I'm getting there."

Elliot continued,"Us, the kids at the orphanage, but didn't think of it as a orphanage I lived there like it was home. I did miss mom and New York but I was so excited to be with new people, a new setting. New York are filled with serious people that don't know how to have fun just work."

" I've always wanted to go to New York! And see all the bright city lights, be a photographer taking pictures of models and all kinds of people." I said, dazed.

My hands were suddenly held by another pair of hands, looking at them then to the guy across from me holding them while looking at me intently with those blue- green eyes.

He spoke, "I'll take you there."

I blinked a few times.

I frowned, "don't get my hopes up."

He shook his head, " I'm not. And don't hope, expect."

I gave it a thought before I ask, "promise?"

He grinned widely squeezing my hand a little, "Pinky."

A/N: not sure bout this, what do guys think? comment below or vote and all that jazz

*not edited

- Jaz

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