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It hurts.

It hurts seeing her walk through the halls with her head down or following her peers like a lost puppy. caking her face with make up just for acceptance and to impress this boy she likes that doesn't even know she exist. She's a people pleaser.Mixing with different people having no real friends. Im the only one who could see through that awkward smiles and uncomfortable laughs. even if its watching her from afar.

Her house was only a couple houses away from mine. I see her jog around from like 4:50am to 8:30am. I found out where her house was, when I sat in bed one night just peacefully reading, that the music from the party was so loud, I tried to ignore it.But couldn't. I planned on walking there and give them a piece of my mind. -But of course I couldnt actually do that because Im...well me. Thankfully, I saw Mr. Hopkins stomp out of his house as horny teenage kids poured out of the house when he threatened call the police but not all of them left. She apologized for the noise and said they would 'turn out down a little' -no ones says that at a party. I curiously watch her walk across the road from her house to the other side and sat there,I was quite suprised, I expected her to go back inside and talk her way to people to tone it down. I came down to sit next to her on the pavement, I dont know why I did though my legs seem to automatically lead me to her.
But before that, I brought a jacket to cover her exposed skin, she was wearing a strapless navy blue dress that cuts right her knee but not as short as the other girls that look like their just wearing a towel, but fitted and all sparkly. She didnt have those glitters that irritating glitters that get on your skin, nor did she have those glittery weird makeup, yet she was still blindingly beautiful.

She didn't even bother looking at me just kept her eyes closed when I draped the cottony jacket on her shoulders. It was a cold night. I also noticed that she's barefoot.

"Its not my scene." she suddenly said.


"You were about to ask me what am I doing here across my house on foot when theres a party over there." She lifts her leg a little to point across.
"Because what person would be barefoot sitting on a pavement as an unathorized party is going inside her house, right?." she turns slightly to smirk at me.


I laughed lightly, then questioned, "then why throw a party?"

she groaned in frustration, " I didnt want to have one in the first place"

I looked at her confused and slightly curious at her odd answer, " then why are there fifty something people making noise pollution, littering, and making out inside your property!" I exclaimed, my hands going to the air gesturing to the house across.

she laughs a bit as grabs my arms down,she simply shrugs, "they wanted it to be."

I look at her appalled.

" why didnt you do something about it?"

she smiles raising brow, " youre asking an awfully lot of whys,"

"I think why is the best way to ask." she perked up at this

"why so?"

I chuckled and looked straight in those caramel glazed eyes, " Because it doesnt matter what you are, where it is when it is ,who you are or how you did it. The important question is why you do it."

She stared for a moment, nods with a smile, like actually smile at me saying she understood.

I sighed, she leaned her head on my shoulders.

Funny how I know those stuff about her but don't know her name.

One day, I stayed late in school cleaning up in the arts room, she came out brisk walking and an envelope in hand.

I wonder what she was still doing, she wasn't in any clubs or anything to stay for.

She has her reasons don't act like a clingy boyfriend, the little voice in my head said.

She ran to her truck the ignition started and she drove away. I wanted to follow her to make sure she's safe but it wasn't right for me to do so. I was just going to make sure she gets home safely.

I was surprised when she didn't go home exactly, I was happy that I did follow her because I saw her park in what looks like an abandoned building.
PHOTOSYCNTESIS, it said on the sign.

I went inside as well. she greets a man in his late 20s, smiles and greetings were exchanged as she shows him the envelope. he peeks inside his eyes widen then he pats on the shoulder. when the guy was gone,she went to the hallway then turned to the left, I followed. I knew this is really weird but I dont like how this place looks. I saw her open a door in the narrow hallway, I followed.

What could have been in that envelope?

And little did I that, that door led to a janitor's closet.

A/N: Not edited, hope you liked this one :)

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