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She looks at me confused, before giving me a small smile. "Hey Elliot." She greets in that sweet voice of hers.

We stepped aside let the people in both of our sides. " Hi Aiden," I held my coffee in hand trying to think of something else to say, I hoping for something interesting to come out my mouth, unfortunately it was far from interesting. "Nice weather we're having isn't it?" I even made a gesture to look up.

Aiden nods and looks up at the bright sky, squinting her eyes at it even when there isn't any light. "It is. Hey do you notice that it's getting hotter?"


"Uh yeah, I do." I lied, I wasn't sure we had the same thing in mind.

"It's because an asteroid is going to hit us in a few weeks." She said it so bluntly that I almost believed her before she started laughing. Almost. Thank God or I would have probably had an embarrassing panic attack.

I awkwardly laughed along with her.

We have started walking to the direction she was going, it was fine with me because I didn't have anywhere to go either. "So where were you headed before you have graciously bumped into me." Where did that come from?

Aiden raised a brow, "I bumped you?"

"You were looking at the pavement as if someone had killed your cat," her brown ones slightly widen at this.

"How do you know I have a cat?"

She does?

"I don't, it was just an expression."

"Oh," she clears throat, "I was going to Cross Hospital."

I wanted to ask why she'd go there or if she was okay, but I thought about saving it for later.

"May I come along?" I ask.

"Weren't you going the other direction earlier?" she asked, turning her head to face me.

I tried to think of an excuse, but sadly I'm really bad at doing just that. "Uh, yeah I was but I don't really have anywhere else to be." I shrugged.


I nodded. "Well then," Aiden thought about it later on, "okay why not. C'mon." Though before we went to the hospital Aiden insist that we drop by Starbucks, she got her peppermint latte and -I don't know for what reason, she bought three slices of blueberry cheesecake. When I told her that that was quite a lot her, she answered that one of them is for me. And the two are hers?!

"Children! Stop that this instant." Rane exclaimed Trying to get these rascals to stop drawing on my new shaved face, but it seems that I'm instantly growing a very colorful facial hair. They have been at it since we arrived at the hospital and Aiden wanted to visit her grandma to give the cheesecake, but it was coincidentally her shift on the clock to watch the kids.

"Do you mind staying here for a minute? I'll just give the cheesecake to grams, it's her favorite." She had a pleading smile.

She didn't even have to do that for me to agree. Besides, I love kids, I practically live with them, how bad could they be?

The moment I opened the door to the daycare: the kids turned to me, dropping whatever they were doing, and I had the same reaction when Woody has met with new toys. The children stood up running to me already pulling on my arms and introducing themselves.

Hasn't any of these kids heard of 'stranger danger ', not that I was actually gonna harm them.

I have been stuck here for an hour or so with the kids and Rogue, a tall dirty blonde guy that is about my age with a thick British accent.

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