Chapter 6

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Kiara waited almost the whole night for them to bring Rayan back into the room. The nurse even sat and waited with her.

"Where the hell are they?" she asked. "Why is it taking so long?"

"They have to make sure he's stable.", Kiara nodded.

"Is he seriously gonna have to go to rehab?"Kiara didn't think he needed to go, since all the other times that he's attempted suicide, he never had to.

"He does." the nurse replied."But just for a month or two."

Then, the door creeped open. Kiara leaned over and saw the doctors wheeling Rayan back into the room.

"He is alright!" one of the doctors cheered. Ray was sitting up, and smiling.

"Ok now Mr.Franklin, in the morning we'll come get you and take you to the center."

Ray looked at the man like he had three heads. "What center?" he asked.

"They're taking you to rehab." Kiara told him.

"Rehab? How could you let them do this Kiara?"

"I tried to tell them Ray."

"No, No, No, I am not about to go to no damn rehab center! All of y'all bitches got me fucked up!" Ray yelled.

"Ray calm down!"

"I can't calm down! How am I supposed to look for Alexis when I'm in a damn rehab center?"

Kiara looked at the floor. She really wanted to tell Ray that she'd seen Alexis in the hospital lobby.

"Who's the Alexis you're looking for sir?" One of the doctors asked. Kiara's head shot up, she didn't want him to freak out on the fact that she's been here.

"Alexis Pierce." he replied. "Why?"

"Oh! She's here. And she's actually going to the same center as you."

Now you may be wondering. "Why is Alexis going to rehab?"

One thing that you didn't know about Alexis, is that she has depression, and a drinking problem. Both are caused by her lying constantly to her family, and never really having someone to hang around with.


Ray was sitting in his room. In the center a week later.

This room was like a big box.

It had padded lining, two windows, and bed with a suicide pillow, and blanket, and a TV that was behind a plastic screen, so he didn't try to punch it or anything.

Ray didn't like to be social with anybody at the center. While others were playing games, drawing, or just plain talking, he would just sit in his room, watching TV. He didn't like the center at all. The only time he seriously had to leave was when group session was starting.

He actually told the group everything that was going on with him. Everything but all the times he's taken women to different countries to rape them.

As of Caleb, they found a way to get rid of him.

Ray heard a knock on his room door. "Its time for group!"

Ray got up, and approached the door. When he was walking down the halls he got chills. Maybe something was going to happened today....

Ray saw everybody gathered into a big circle, he went to take a seat.

"How is everybody today?" The person asked. This was a different person from who they usually had everyday.

"Good." They replied in unison.

"I'm Karla, I'll be your group leader today." she said happily. Ray's never had a thing for happy people. "First we'll go around the circle. Tell me your name,age,and why you're here." she said. "Starting with little red head over there."

The red head was the youngest person in the center. "I'm Jordan, I'm 15, and I'm here for my drug addiction."

"Thank you." Karla said. "Next."

Ray watched everybody go around, and state their bio, until the person next to him stood up.

"Um...I'm Cortez,I'm 19 almost 20, and I'm here because I have a sex addiction."


Ray stood up, and looked around the room, at all the eyes staring at him. "I'm Rayan, I'm 21, and I'm here because I've been trying to kill myself."

"Aw!" Karla said."You're gonna be the first persons we talk on. Who else had tried to kill themselves?"

A couple hands were raised. including the guy Cortez.

"Tez you tried to kill yourself?" A girl asked. "Sex is like...amazing."

Cortez wasn't amused. "If you rape to get sex, and you regret in the long run, it's no longer amazing."

"Ok, now why do you try to kill yourself Rayan?"

"Um....I just....I don't think life is good for me right now."

"And why not?"

Ray thought back to his prior therapy sessions. This was just like them.

"First, I don't know who my parents are. My grandmother left me when I was 18. I'm going out of my mind looking for this one girl...and I feel like I'm failing at everything. And before I got rid of my voice....I was doing something really bad, and its so bad......I can't even tell my best friend, who's the only one I have. Life is just a huge mess." Rayan replied. That was the most that he's ever opened up in group.

"Well Rayan, I'll try to help you with all of that. Tomorrow, I want you to tell more about this girl." she said. "Now Cortez, tell us about this sex addiction?"

Cortez looked around, and rubbed his temples. "I don't know where it came from." he said.

"Mind if I ask when you lost your virginity?"

"Um......14." he replied.

"And what's happened after that?"

"They wouldn't leave me alone!" he yelled. He was on the verge of having a nervous break down.

"Who wouldn't leave you alone?"

"The girl I was with told everybody we had sex, then some people tried to trick me into having sex with them, and some people bullied me, and starting calling me man whore, STD bag, and a whole bunch of other shit." he cried. Karla walked over and handed him a tissue.

"Its alright Cortez." she cooed.

"Am I late?" a voice said. Everybody turned to the door, and there she was..........


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