Inappropriate Behaviour

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The evening meal brought yet another round of inappropriate conversations which had Bai Qian cringing for most of the night.  It seemed to her that the men could not articulate anything without cussing at least every third word while their table manners left much to be desired considering they were all adults, even worse was the bodily noises which every man in there was releasing except for Ye Hua, and her discomfort was becoming obvious.

Sharing a table with the boy, he listened in on the conversations going on around them, but being so used to the way the men talked, ate and the way they openly released gas without a care for anyone else, it had become common place, so he saw nothing wrong with it, even though he himself was far more refined and articulate.

"What's the matter Zian?  You haven't eaten a thing.  Are you not hungry?" he asked, though he didn't really care if he ate or not, but the way the boys head kept bobbing about as he too listened to the nearby conversations was beginning to annoy him.

Relaxing back into her seat, Bai Qian looked across the table at him.  "I was just thinking Lord Ye Hua, these men are as close to animals as one could get." she stated loud enough for a few men close to their table to hear, one of which had food stuck in his beard which she noticed and couldn't keep staring at. 

Realizing he was about to hear something he probably didn't want or need to hear, but curious as to why he had come to that conclusion, Ye Hua relaxed back into his own seat, crossed his arms and waited to hear what pearls of wisdom the boy was going to come up now, and he certainly didn't disappoint. 

"They have no decorum, no ability to articulate, no table etiquette,  no common courtesy towards their fellow comrades, and certainly the majority of them have no basic hygiene.  Are there no hot pools here?  Because they all stink and that's why I'm not eating, because they are making me ill" she said finishing her assessment on her fellow comrades and scrunching up her face for added emphasis.

Swallowing back the laughter that almost erupted from him, Ye Hua stared at her in shock.   "Well." he said before taking a ragged breath before coughing lightly to clear his throat.  "That is quite an assessment Zian.  Tell me.  How did you come to that conclusion having only met a handful of my men, when there are literally thousands here?" he asked smiling back at him while barely managing to keep the laughter at bay.

Completely oblivious to the rising smile on his face, she continued to bob her head about as each explosion of gas that escaped several backsides only enhanced the disgust that was clearly written on her face.  "I don't need to meet them all, these feral beasts are more than enough to know the rest are exactly the same!  In fact, since I will be teaching in the morning, I think I will start with their interactions with each other!" she retorted before finally turning her head to look at him.

Keeping his face calm he merely shrugged his shoulders at her.  "Well then,  I am sure whatever you teach them, there will be something of value in it ." he said grinning at her, knowing for a fact, that whatever he taught them, he would be the one learning a very valuable lesson.

"I honestly cannot eat in here, would it be alright if I pass on the meal tonight, I just can't stomach anything right now." she said looking at him as if she needed his permission to leave.

Grunting, he returned to his own meal.  "Do as you please, just don't go getting lost, this campsite is several miles squared and this dinning tent is one of hundreds.  I would suggest you return to our tent." he said before elegantly taking in a mouthful of food and chewing it with his mouth closed.

Rising slowly so as not to upset the men sitting directly behind her seeing as the tables and chairs were packed in so tightly, she quickly made her way outside and into the fresh air.  Taking huge mouthfuls of fresh air and drawing it deeply into her lungs, she squinted her head upwards.  

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