Wedding Mania

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The Fox Den was in full swing.  No one was exempt from the wedding preparations once The Empress took full control.  With only one month until the big day, every single Clan member was involved in the preparations.  Her daughter would have the wedding of the century and no expense was spared either.  Being the most wealthiest clan, they rarely got to show off or flaunt themselves, this time everything had to be perfect, and that meant only the very best was created.

Bai Zhi had been given the task of creating the Palanquin which he took to with the enthusiasm of a carpenter building his first home.  Having no idea what he was doing or even with a real plan in place, he hired several of their clans builders and artists to create the beautiful sedan that he had in mind.  Being able to draw was definitely a worthwhile skill, because not only did he draw exactly what he wanted, his builders had full access to all the resources needed to create it.

Also being created in Qing Qiu, was Bai Qian and Ye Huas matching wedding outfits that Ye Hua himself had commissioned, and seeing as the Empress was more than happy with the designs, she gave the final word to commence the creating of them.

In Scarlet Red, with the Dragon and Phoenix motifs down the center of a one piece figure hugging dress, Bai Qians outfit was created first, followed by Ye Huas full length scarlet red gown with the exact same motifs that ran down both openings.  

That was followed by their own floral arrangements which consisted of Peach Blossoms and wild flowers that Bai Qian loved so much.  The arrangements would decorate every part of the wedding venue.

Also being raised throughout the Palace and Qing Qiu were the wedding banners and lanterns which were also spread out through the Palace.

And that was followed by a full refurbishment of Ye Huas chamber.  Not only were the banners hanging, but the entire chamber was decked out in full wedding regalia, including bedding, floral arrangements, scented candles, bath oils and untold gifts from Qing Qiu.

But it was the beautiful gift that Ye Hua had commissioned that his mind was on.  Not only would she have a lot of fun playing with it, but so would he.  Taking the prized artifact into his hands, he faced the Mortal man and thanked him most kindly.  Then leaving in a wisp of smoke, he  left behind a crate filled with riches beyond the mans wildest dreams., but if he had an inkling into the what the gift would be used for, he may have refused to make it.

  Turning to look down at the riches, the head priest of a small temple smiled brightly.  With the wealth he now had in his possession, a temple for the poor would be built in honor of the God who gave him the opportunity to create a better life for his people, much like the Goddess who created the vegetable gardens his people lived on.  


Bai Qian was exhausted.  There was still two days to go before her wedding day, and having spent the entire month running about Qing Qiu for all manner of meetings, fittings, viewings and even parties with her peoples babys in order to bring good luck to her womb, she had had enough.

Her mother never let up.  There was always some place to go, someone to see, or something to do, that by the time evening rolled around, she was asleep when Ye Hua arrived to cook the evening meal and he was beginning to worry.

It was the forth night in a row that she had gone straight to bed without eating.  And because her mother would raise her early to begin another round of visits, she usually left the den without breakfast and he was not happy about it.  He did not mind too much that she ate so little because she ate enough for her small frame to manage, but to eat nothing while he was there, and not seeing how much she ate during the day, if at all, had him taking matters into his own hands.  The last thing any of them wanted was an unwell bride on her wedding day.

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