Two Meetings 2

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The trip home was surprisingly shorter than she remembered. Not a lot was said, though now and then, landmarks would appear that Ye Hua would point out with an explanation of what they were.

"Those mountain ranges are the borders between The Demon Realm and the valleys that lead to the West Sea." he said pointing to a group of mountains in the far distance, while keeping his eyes on her face.

Looking at the mountains the hand was pointing at, she frowned slightly. She knew for a fact they were not. They were the mountain ranges that hid the majority of Kunlun Mountain, Mo Yuan had said as much and that had her wondering why he had just lied. Of course he would know this fact, but the intense stare that met her gaze the moment she looked up, had her realizing what he was trying to do.

Nodding her head at him, she quickly looked away, but not before he noticed the frown or her attempt to act clueless.

Smiling, he sped them forward while continuing to point out landmarks she was already familiar with. They were closing in on Qing Qiu fast and as the snow covered Blue Mountains came into view, her heart began to soar. "Home" she whispered softly, causing Ye Hua to suddenly look down at him again.

Though the moment they landed at the entrance, the last person she expected to see was Bai Zhen. Having assumed she would be met with Mi Gu, she had prepared herself for him, but the sight of her brother had her sweating profusely, something Ye Hua also noticed and nor could he hide the small smile.

Mo Yuan informed them that Ye Hua was also due to meet with Bai Qian, and having already lied straight to his face, he thought it best to return.  Being so much closer to Qing Qiu than the Celestial Palace, he had made it back in good time, and had been awaiting their arrival for some time.

Raising his hands, Bai Zhen greeted him warmly before lowering them to turn his head towards Bai Qian.

"Ahhh Zian, I didn't think we would see you again for a while." he said so suddenly, she was so sure the thumping of her heart could be heard by them both, but the moment he turned to lead them both in through the entrance having already lowered the barrier, her knees almost gave out on her.

Nothing passed through her mind as Bai Zhen led them forward. "I understand you are here to meet with Xaio Wu?" he asked looking up at Ye Hua, who smiled and nodded his head expectantly.

"High God Mo Yuan did inform us of the meeting." he said pleasantly enough as they moved off the path towards the den and straight to the lean to, before turning to look down at her.

"Zian, why don't you fetch Xiao Wu, she has been worried about your well being." he said giving her a small smirk, which she immediately interpreted, and nor did she like it.

"Uh... Yes... alright." she mumbled, before raising her hands to bow respectfully at them both.

"Once you have gathered your belongings, I would like you to join us." Ye Hua said suddenly which instantly had her heart rate hammering in her chest all over again, which she was so positive they could both see, but the widening smirk on her brothers face had her almost running to get away from them both.  With another bow, she turned and fled down the path towards the den.

And no sooner did her feet hit the entrance, then her energy erupted as she immediately flew straight back into her true form.

Making her way to her own chamber, she swiftly slammed the door shut before literally flopping down on her bed in dismay, though the eruption of her energy was definitely helping her head to clear and her body to feel less constricted.

Looking down at her own energy which was now throbbing, she realized how dangerously close she had come to hurting herself. The energy was too dark, which meant she had held it in for far too long. And though she vaguely remembered her fox form self erupting in the night in order to relieve the pressure, she knew she could not sustain the long periods of confined energy for much longer.

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