The Un-Accidental Spy

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"I beg your pardon?" she asked stunned.

Laughing Ye Hua took hold of her hand as Mo Yuan rose to move to their side of the desk, then sitting on the corner of it, both men crowded in around her.

"Qian Qian, think about it.  Not only are you the leading World Leader that every Leader wants to align themselves with, but you alone hold this entire war in your hands.  Right now, you could end it before it even begins.  Don't you want that?  You could save this entire world, no one would need to die." Ye Hua said so convincingly, that she gave it serious consideration.  But no matter which way she looked at it, she had one problem with the whole idea.

"Ye Hua.  Mo Yuan.  Both of you initially dragged me to the Celestial Palace because you thought I was a spy for this man, and now you want me to actually spy?  On him?" she asked wide eyed and more than fearful.  To be accused of being a spy was one thing, but to actually put herself into the lions den so to speak was nothing short of reckless.  Crazy even.  Especially considering her position.

"Bai Qian, this could be our one opportunity to gauge exactly what he wants and his true position in this war.    Peace talks are always our first priority, however,  no one, not even myself has succeeded in gaining a meeting with this man.  It would be a perfect opportunity for us to either steer this war to a peaceful resolution, or at least know exactly what we are up against." Mo Yuan said gently, he could see she was conflicted, but knowing she was more than capable of handling most given situations, he did not fear for her safety.

And she was conflicted.  Of course she wanted to help with the war effort if it meant winning, and she thought she had by gifting them the use of her lands, but this was on an entirely different scale.  What they were asking from her was something so far out of her depth she had no idea what to do or even what to say to the man.  For one, talking to strangers was difficult for her, even at the Leaders meeting, making small talk had been a huge challenge for her, and they were allies.  

But this man was the enemy, a very dangerous, calculative and intelligent one.  Someone who could sweet talk a novice to do his bidding with only a few words.  This much she understood, and what Ye Hua and Mo Yuan were proposing, was she throw herself at him.  Intrigue and secret war deals were things she had only read about, to actually become a part of it was terrifying and they could both clearly see it in her eyes.

Turning his soft gaze on her, Ye Hua could feel the terror, it was almost palatable.  If his brother still had thoughts that she was spying, this moment, right now would definitely have killed them.  She was no spy and nor had she ever considered it,  just the mention of the word was terrifying, her hands were shaking.

"Qian Qian, we would never put you in danger.  You will not be attending alone.  I will be there behind a barrier, so your safety will not be compromised." he said softly as he took both hands into his own to still her shaking ones.

"But Ye Hua, it's not my safety I'm concerned about.  I can take care of myself.  It's everyone else's safety I care about.  What if I say the wrong thing? What if I anger him?  I don't know anything about making secret deals or even spying, what you're asking is too much." she replied tearfully.

Sighing, Mo Yuan had heard more than enough to know she really was not a spy.  Her whole demeanor and gestures were proof of it.  He understood her fear, he also understood where it stemmed from.  She had secluded herself so thoroughly from the realms, that the thought of a friendly chat with a stranger over a cup of tea was frightening for her, so to ask her to literally spy for them was perhaps a little too much to ask.  However, lives were at stake, the entire worlds safety was at stake, and as she was the only one to have managed a meeting with that man, he could not allow the chance to pass them by, he had to convince her.

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