The Meeting of a Clan Leader

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Arriving at the Celestial Heavens with both Ye Hua and Mo Yuan, Bai Qian knew she would draw attention to them all, but she was not prepared for the kind of attention she got.  All her life she had been told she was beautiful, but she never really believed it, not even the gossip her brother filled her head with.  According to him, she was considered the worlds most beautiful woman, even though few had actually ever met her.  She was not a vain woman, but growing up with thoughts of being the worlds number one beauty did give her pause to at least day dream about it.

But the moment they stepped off their cloud all attention was on her.  With her hand firmly in his own, Ye Hua led her through the long corridors towards the Celestial Palaces' Grand Hall while she did her best to ignore the open staring.  Looking around as she did the first time, it all seemed new all over again.  This time she was entering as herself, not as a little boy under investigation, yet she couldn't help but marvel that it had only been a few weeks ago, not even a month. 

And this time, when she read out the names of the Palaces, Ye Hua stopped to inform her that Xiwu Palace was his own private residence.

Looking though the large archway, she stared in at the intricately carved doors, but other than that, there didn't seem to be anything else to look at.  "Ye Hua, you need a garden and some trees." she said smiling back at him.

"Then plant one for me." he said softly which instantly made her jump.  The softness in his gaze was making her giddy, and the not so hidden innuendo in his request only gave her sore abdomen the flutters.

"Plant a garden for you?" she stammered and suddenly becoming very shy as a deep blush began to spread across her face.

"Not just any garden Bai Qian.  I want peach trees, real ones." he said smiling down at her with a twinkle in his eye, one she couldn't quite figure out.

Leaning into his arm she looked back up at him as they continued walking, while oblivious to the open mouthed stares she was getting.  "Why Peach Trees?  You can see them at Zhe Yans Grove anytime you want." she said smiling back up at him.

And it was just the opening he had been waiting for.  "Did you know you smell like peach blossoms Qian Qian?  I want that smell around me when I wake up and when I go to sleep at night." he said with such a dead pan face, that she wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.

But no sooner did the blush deepen and spread across both cheeks, then Ye Hua burst into laughter, a sound no one there had ever heard from him before.  It was very obvious to everyone around them that something was going on between the two of them, because the Crown Prince did not hold a womans hand and nor did he laugh, let alone a full belly laugh that shook his entire body which only increased the staring and widened the gaping mouths.

Reaching the large open court yard that led to the Grand Hall, Ye Hua, Mo Yuan and Bai Qian were immediately met by a troupe of maids or took up position behind them, while her admirers who had been following behind them, raced on ahead to take their places.  As yet, very few there, actually knew who she was, but anxious to find out, they did not waste time in rushing up the stairs.

Waiting for them at the bottom of the steps, Ye Hua turned to both Mo Yuan and Bai Qian.  "Lets get the more important issues out of the way first.  After that, I will escort Bai Qian home then return for you." He addressed Mo Yuan directly.  

"There's no need Ye Hua, Die Feng can escort me back." he said grinning at him, because it was just as obvious to Mo Yuan, the last thing his brother wanted to do was leave her to come and collect him.

And as if on cue, Die Feng began making his way towards them, though more to ensure Mo Yuan was alright, the stairs were steep and knowing Ye Hua would be on hand to assist Bai Qian, he took up position on Mo Yuans left side should he need him.

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