Healing 2

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Leaving his brother in the Medicines Kings capable hands knowing that he would be alright, Ye Hua left for Qing Qiu.  He didn't know what awaited him when he arrived, but he had to go, even if he had to act as mediator for both sides, he needed to see for himself that she was alright.

The sight of her being carried off Mount Cang Wu in Di Juns arms was just as shocking as the battle itself, their worlds Highest God, the most revered in all the Realms carried no one and no doubt that too would be added to the growing gossip that would already be spreading far and wide about the Celetial Twins and Qing Qius Queen.

It had been almost 8 hours since the battle ended and evening was almost upon him , but as he neared the Blue Mountains of Qing Qiu, for some reason, one he didn't even bother to try and comprehend, it felt as if he were returning home. It was the oddest feeling, and had he the time the to dwell on, perhaps he would have been a little more honest with his feelings for her.  He cared about her far more than he realized.

 Allowing himself a brief smile at the thought, he soon let it go when the entrance way to the Fox Den and 2 guards came into view.  Not only were they armed but they made it very clear to Ye Hua they were more than prepared to fight him if they had to.

"No one enters Qing Qiu on the orders of Lord Donghua Di Jun." he was informed, and not even his name and title was enough to see either man move aside.

"Inform Donghua Di Jun that The Crown Prince is here."  Ye Hua ordered only to have both men close the gap to the entrance with their overlapping swords, and with a barrier that Di Jun himself had raised, Ye Hua had no choice but to turn around and leave.  Having been ordered to turn everyone away regardless of their rank or station, they wouldn't even talk to him. 

Angry beyond words, but not wanting to test the Fox Kings rage anymore than it had been nor to openly disobey Di Jun, he thought about his options.  He could return to Kunlun Mountain and oversee his brothers care, or he could return to the Celestial Heavens to answer questions regarding the battle and the effects it would have on their alliance with Qing Qiu, but as neither option seemed all that appealing, he decided to take a big risk instead.

Leaving for the Peach Tree Woods, Ye Hua hoped against hope that Zhe Yan was there, though he wasn't overly confident, if the man was going to be anywhere it would have been in the Fox Den, he was their personal Medicine King.

Arriving at the entrance to Zhe Yans hut, he was surprised to find the windows and door open.  Not really expecting him to be there, he quickly bound up the stairs and looked in.  Zhe Yan had been more his friend growing up rather than Mo Yuans, so to see the man lying down on his day bed, he wondered if he had been informed of Qian Qians injuries, it just seemed so odd to see him there sleeping.

"Zhe Yan!" he called out before entering, not bothering to wait for a reply.

Opening his eyes, it took a few seconds for Zhe Yan to bring himself back from his day nap having returned to rest only an hour before.

"Ye Hua, you're here." he said sitting up and throwing his legs over the edge to look at him.

Surprised but happy that he wasn't immediately turning him away too, Ye Hua gave him no chance to either.  "Qian Qian.  Is she alright Zhe Yan?" he asked, doing away with the small talk and moving to stand right over the top of him.

Going by the look on Ye Huas face, Zhe Yan could see quite clearly that the man cared a great deal for Xiao Wu, and going by the blood on his robes and hands he had obviously just come from Kunlun Mountain, but the pain in his eyes were not just for Mo Yuan, he was devastated.

And so he should, he thought to himself.  The state she arrived home in, and in the arms of Di Jun of all people, almost had both Bai Zhi and Bai Zhen heading straight to Kunlun Mountain with war on their minds.  Had it not been for Di Jun and himself, they would never have been able to stop them.

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