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In the year 2053, a child is born.

A child, born in the vast depths of space. The child of the woman, who thought herself to have single-handedly destroyed the world.

An intelligent woman. A scientist, whose brilliance compared to legends, such as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking. Becca. Last name unknown to many.

When Becca was 26 years of age, she created what she thought to be the savior of mankind. An artificial intelligence, who, after taking the form of Becca, decided that to save the human race, she needed to cull. This led to the near extinction of the human race and the launch of the Ark. 13 space stations, 12 nations, coexisting, in one large space station.

In the year 2053, Becca gave birth to a baby girl. The first child of the Ark. The child of the Polaris station. Beside herself, and fearful of the growing hostility of the 12 nations, Becca created a chamber, that upon her daughters 20th birthday, will cryogenically freeze her, and any knowledge left for her baby, until she is needed to help save the people of the Ark.

Unfortunately, just over a year later, the destruction of the 13th station became imminent. Becca got to work, finalising he agreement for the cryogenic chamber to be kept with the leader of the United States station, and, following the completion and testing of her latest creation, Becca secured the fate of her daughter, should she ever return to earth. After confirming the test on herself, Becca, reluctantly, injected her daughter with a  serum which would protect her against mass amounts of radiation, and turn her blood black.

When the time came, with solemn goodbyes, Becca bid farewell to a young child that would not remember her mother, to be in the care of strangers, until the time came for her to fulfil her fate, planned by another person, who was essentially a stranger.

The descent of the Polaris ship, followed closely by the destruction of the Polaris Station came in 2054. Unbeknownst to all those in the Ark, thus also spawned the rise of Bekka Pramheda, the first commander.

For the next nineteen years, the daughter of Bekka Pramheda was kept under lock and key, a secret from the other eleven stations. Once a chancellor rose, the secret became theirs to keep, and on the twentieth birthday, in 2073, the young woman was sealed into her chamber, with knowledge passed on by her mother and the intelligence to match, until the day in which she will be needed.

This young woman, although intelligent, never attended classes, did not experience friendships, relationships and young love. Never conversing with more than the American ambassadorial family and her private tutors. This young woman lived a sheltered life, a secret to many.

Alas, this day came. Ninety-six years after her birth, the young woman was awoken and given a mission. Upon the discovery of catastrophic life support system failure and the death of an engineer and imprisonment of his daughter, the chancellor, Thelonious Jaha, decided that there was but one option left to save the lives of his people, he would send 100 juvenile delinquents to Earth.

Dr Abigail Griffin, had another idea. Wishing to keep her own daughter safe, and to assist those who are to prepare the Earth for their arrival. The girl was woken and prepared.

She was to be sent to earth, where she would meet the 100 delinquents. To save them, as her mother believed she would for the human race. Although, she knew nothing of the world, having lived a sheltered, secret life for her twenty years, she was wise beyond.

Will she be able to assist the delinquents, or will the human race suffer at her hands?

Oh my lord. This is horrible! I totally lost where i was going at the end. Its not really much of  a prelude, more of a synopsis i guess? I don't know.

I hope that the story will be better! I have plans to make this into a multi-book series, although it will all depend on how i feel after the completion of this book and how people react to it!

I apologize in advance if it sucks, its purely for my own enjoyment because i really enjoy writing, even if it is horrible lol! Please do not be too harsh if you do not like this, like i said, its purely for my own enjoyment. In saying that, if you do like it, feel free to let me know in the comments! Any encouragement or tips are wanted!

Thank you for reading

~xoxo~ defensive_sarcasm17

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