After walking for what seems like hours, I finally arrive at what I take a, not so, educated guess is the medical wing, judging by the amount of sickly-looking people crowded outside. I see a red jacket blur through the plastic flaps of a makeshift door and pick up my speed.

I'm about to walk through the plastic strips when Dr. Griffin bursts through, brushing my questions off when I ask her where she is going. I jog towards the 'door' instead of pursuing her apologizing profusely when I almost trod on a sick person or a child. I bat away the plastic strips, my face contorting as multiples of them slap against my face or pull on my loose mane.

Raven stands alone, still in the entrance of the medical wing, a look that resembles the one she held in the cafeteria still plastered on her face. I walk towards her a large smile plastered on mine, despite the negative aura radiating from her.

"Hey, Reyes! Why so glum?" She looks at me as if I've grown a second head, and I realise then that she was not present when I had threatened Nygel.

"I just told Abby that we won't be able to launch today. She's gone to sort it out with Nygel and i have no idea what she is going to do," Raven answers, her eyes still slightly downcast.

"She doesn't need to!" I say, louder than I had intended. Raven looks at me in alarm, silently begging me to shut up, and I lower my voice, "I sorted it all out, one of Nygel's lackeys are going to be delivering the pressure regulator to me here."

Before I know it, Raven is engulfing me in a hug tighter than one I had ever received before, truth be told, I haven't had any contact with people in over 70 years. She is laughing, lowly and it seems more like a chuckle than an actual laugh.

She pulls back, a wave of relief washing over her features before realisation sets in, "I need to go stop Abby before she tries to trade anything. You stay here and get that regulator." She jogs towards the door, before stopping to turn back towards me, "For now on, you help me with everything, Geoffrey."

Just like that, she is gone, leaving me to wait for the lackey on my own. I watch as doctors pass me by, sometimes accompanied by patients who show the obvious signs of oxygen deprivation. Thank you Becca's medical books.

After an hour, no lackey arrives. I rise to my feet, scrawling out a note on a piece of paper to leave for Marcus Kane, who Abby had explained was a stickler for order, alerting him of Nygel's actions and leave it with an older guard whose badge read 'Miller', and walk back to where Raven and I have been working on the drop ship.

Hopefully, Kane gets this.

Not long after I arrive, Raven walks in taking up her seat in the dropship. Amazingly, we managed to fit in a third seat so I, thankfully, don't have to be strapped to anything or flailing around any which way for the gravity to crush my bones.

"Did you stop Abby?"

"Nope," Raven admits, her solemn face back again, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Thank god. Nygel didn't come through with the regulator, so I thought we would be left high and dry." I take my seat next to her in the ship, looking around at the newly rebuilt controls and the refurbished framework which had been quickly filled by our patchwork metal pieces.

"I never got around to asking you," Raven begins, turning her body towards me, her face slightly scrunched, ready for her question, "You didn't take Nygel's offer, did you?"

I snort, "God, no!" I move my body towards the younger woman, like she did with me, "I tried to give her an ultimatum--"

Abby walks in, her heavy footsteps interrupting our conversation and she leans over to hand me the pressure regulator. My jaw drops, and I hand the piece to Raven so she can begin installing it.

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