My pounding headache and spell of dizziness are cured by some fresh water and a few hours of rest. Apparently a trip down to earth and a hard bang on the head don't mesh well together.

Raven explained to me about how when I was out she put the delinquents to work building flares in hope to stop the Ark from culling 300 people. We can only hope that it will work.

The flares are loaded into makeshift canons and let loose. Raven stands to my side admiring her handy-work while Finn stands next to her, his eyes darting between his girlfriend and Clarke.

The purple fireworks do nothing to stop my eyes wandering and I mentally check off each delinquent from the list in my head. The only one I see who I have no record of is the same man who stole our radio.

Bellamy Blake.

The way he looks up at the flares with an expression of guilt makes me forget about the way he slammed me into a tree earlier in the day. He looks so guilty and almost sad to know that people may be dying because of his selfish actions. It almost makes my heart ache for him.


"You think they can see it from up there?" He asks, the question directed at Clarke more than anybody else.

"I don't know." She answers, not drawing her eyes from the lights, "I hope so. Can you wish on this kind of shooting star?"

Bellamy looks at her with a mix of confusion and guilt, causing Clarke to tell him to forget it.

"I wouldn't even know what to wish for," He answers quietly, "What about you?"

The blonde girl doesn't answer him, instead her eyes cast my way to the brunette boy with his arm around Raven. Raven turns her head and catches her eye before shooting her a smile.

That's enough socializing for tonight.

I turn and bid Raven and Finn a goodnight before heading over to the dropship the 100 came down in. I didn't exactly have a tent so I was either going to hide out and read or sleep on the floor.

When I walk in its completely silent with everybody out enjoying the flares. I walk around looking at the different beds and even picking up a jar labeled 'Monty's Moonshine'.

The abnormal colour worries me slightly and I hope that people aren't actually drinking it.

A hand on my shoulder brings my attention from the jar and makes me jump. I turn around to be met with the same chocolate brown eyes that held such guilt only minutes before. Now the guilt isn't as pronounced and he looks kind of amused.

"What do you want?" I snap shrugging his hand off of my shoulder.

He turns his eyes downwards to his feet, "I'm sorry about earlier. The whole pushing you into a tree thing." He scratches the back of his head, still not meeting my eyes.

I scoff, "You forget the 'I should have killed you' line."

"I'm sorry about that too."

"Whatever, Blake." I turn to walk away but he stops me again.

"Wait, what's your name? You weren't on the dropship and I don't think I've seen you around the ark before," He meets my eyes now, his hand holding my shoulder again.

"Okay the touching is getting old," I shrug the hand off again fixing him with a glare, "I'm Skye Geoffrey, and that's all I tell people that annoy me. Now goodnight."

I turn to walk again before he puts a hand on my wrist. I snap back around to him with the jar of moonshine raised to throw at him.

He raises his hands in defense with a small smirk on his features, "Woah, careful. I was just gonna let you know that there's a free tent near mine. It was Murphy's but he doesn't need it anymore."

Falling - The 100 [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora