Chapter 1

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Encre P.O.V
Me and my brother Peindre and my little sister Nora wake to the sound of someone bagging on our door I got up to see who it was at the door before I got to the door I hide my ears before I open it. When I got there is was Eterna she said the king wants to see you three at the castle I said why some early in the morning she said the king only told me that you three had to come do you think I know. I said alright we will be getting ready for the king as I said that I close the door started to wake up Nora and Peindre waking up Nora was easy but it was a little hard to wake up Peindre. So I had pulled his ear he said ouch why did you pull on my ear and it's so early in the morning I said Eterna wants us to go see the king he said alright I will get dress he went to the bathroom to go get dress to go see the king.

Once Peindre was done we were on our way to the king once we got there he ask that can you do a painting for the castle I want the them to be a meadow of golden flowers can you do I said yes we can do the my king we bow then left we had to go into the forbidden forest to find a meadow of golden flowers little Nora is only 10 years old will me and my brother 20 and 24 years old but let's get back on track. We were never shown respect we were always bully sometimes I just wish that we were treated better . He could have just called one of instead of the three of us like Peindre and Nora could be sleeping still and we have to do a painting and know we have to go back home to get supplies then go into the forest. Like this so messed up why did he just call one of us instead he calls the three of us I should not get mad these just do this painting. We got home and get the supplies for the painting and went to the forbidden forest I have been in there before it's a great place to get away form people.


After for being the forest for so long we have meadow of golden flowers I got the supplies put to start the painting when ever I am doing a painting I always bring my brother and sister they make this fun instead of being bored to death. We even let our ears and tail out because it's better to have them out the hiding them I just wish we can have our ears and tail out but people will be scared of us because we are werewolf's they thing that we might be a danger to the kingdom. So we just hide them I am embarrassed to even have my ears and tail I am just to shy to even show it but I have to get back to business. It has been an hour I am almost finish with the painting until I heard a noise and I feel like I was spy on us my brother and sister can feel it to . So I finished as quick as possible I got done have to make sure the painting drys before we go when I was letting the paint dry I wonder who was watching us? The paint it almost done dry and it's getting late we have to go back home and now we the painting is dry now I said Nora and Peindre it's time to go back home they both  said ok . We got all of our stuff packed up and started heading back to the village I still wonder who was that person ?

I am ver sorry that I have not updated it's because of E.O.G and homework I hope you guys study for your E.O.G and bye 🤗

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